Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Mary's Desk, August 10, 2010

Man comes in, signs in, stands at counter. Mary looks at his name and checks the schedule.

Mary: "Sir, we don't have you listed for an appointment. In fact, it doesn't look like you've ever seen Dr. Grumpy."

Mr. Lost: "You're wrong! I have an appointment right now!" (whips out appointment card, hands to Mary).

Mary: "Um, your appointment is with Dr. Darth, the neurologist across the street. You're at the wrong doctor's office."

Mr. Lost: "So you people screwed up my appointment? Dammit!"

Mary: "Sir, your appointment isn't at this office. I'll call over to Dr. Darth's and let them know you're on your way. Do you know how to get there?"

Mr. Lost: "Of course I do! Where is it, anyway?"

Mary: "You go back to the street and make a left turn, go 1 block down, make a right, and it's the 3rd building on the left. Here's the address."

Mr. Lost: "I don't want to pay a co-pay, since this is you people's fault."

Mary: "Well, you can discuss that with his staff when you get there. I'll call now and tell them you're coming."

Mr. Lost: "My car is low on gas. Can you drive me to his office?"


  1. This is incredible. I think he needs a psychiatrist not a neurologist.

  2. Holy lithium underdose, Batman.

  3. Dr. Darth. Heh.

    "I find your lack of sense... disturbing."

  4. i guess you are thankful that he WASN'T your patient?!

  5. we are surrounded by idiots. i feel like they are around every corner man. are we outnumbered?

  6. *blink* So you're low on gas so just any nurologist will do? *rolls eyes*


  7. The Evil ReceptionistAugust 10, 2010 at 6:07 PM

    Geeze....entitlement much? *facepalm*

  8. "In fact, instead of driving me, can I have a piggyback ride?"

  9. How about a nice ride in an ambulance to the psyche ward??? lol

  10. Queen Silly BritchesAugust 10, 2010 at 8:21 PM


  11. He must be one of those people that think 'All you neurologists look alike.'

  12. ::blink::blink::

    "You want what?"

    Oy. OY.

    It might have been tempting to go all Steven Slater just about then...

  13. I normally just read your blog (which I love) but this is just too ridiculous not to comment on! Perhaps it is time we let natural selection weed out these crazies instead of constantly catering to them. I have had 'clients' like this in the pharmacy! They always waste your time yelling at you about not having their prescriptions when they are not at the right pharmacy. It is never their fault and they never take ownership of it.

  14. "Sure, I'll drive you over there. Just hang around and wait until the office closes at 5:00, and I'll drop you off on my way home. What's that? Dr Darth closes at 4:30? Oh well, I guess you'll miss your appointment then. I hope he doesn't charge for missed visits."

    Seriously, if his car's that low on gas, how in hell is he gonna get home?

  15. I'd be amazed, but I see this kind of stuff all the time in the pharmacy. I can't tell you how many times I've had someone walk in the store, request a refill, get mad because I can't find them, then I find out they thought they were in another pharmacy.

    It's enough to make you beat your head on the counter.

  16. I'm a dentist, and I had a patient get all mad at me yesterday because his teeth are all decayed. 'In my opinion I brush really well, every night', he said. When I pointed to him he should do it more often, he replied, annoyed, 'yeah yeah. I brush really well in the morning, too.'

    I suppose we have to brush their teeth, wipe their butts, drive them to appointments, read their minds...

  17. mary seems really nice. that's pretty amazingly patient of her.


So wadda you think?