Monday, August 2, 2010

I'm quaking in my boots

Dr. Grumpy: "Look, I'm not going to give you any more narcotics."

Mr. Druggee: "This is very stressful, and you're not helping me. I'll just have to start smoking again, because of you. And when I die of lung cancer someday it'll all be your fault, and I hope my family comes after you and sues your ass to the poorhouse."


  1. Awesome. Let's hope he tries to call in #90 Oxycontin 80 at my pharmacy. I love to see people arrested! =)

  2. A partner's patient always calls after hours requesting refills on her narcotics. Her line when we refuse (policy: narcotics are only refilled during office hours and only by the primary specialist) is that she's going to start drinking again after "19 years" so her death is our fault.

  3. Okey dokey! Coming at it from a chronic pain patient, who takes Percocet t.i.d., I think he should just get on with his life. Geez. Maybe he can go out with Ms. HintHintHint who moans about her pain to me and how her doctor isn't able to give her enough relief. ::snort:: They can spend the evening kavetching.


  4. Captain FoulenoughAugust 2, 2010 at 9:25 PM

    This twit reminds me of the whiny loser in the old Police song...

    "Guess this is our last goodbye
    You don't care, so I won't cry.
    You'll be sorry when I'm dead,
    All this guilt will be on your head."

  5. that's interesting because when i was coming down off narcotics, i was so jittery i couldn't have held a cigarette in my life!

  6. It's all your fault.

    (Said with the computer animated voice of the old Mac Plus).

  7. Yeah I can see how you'd worry ;-)

  8. LOL! Sounds like my neighbor who came cruising for my percocet after brain surgery.

  9. Someone was going to "sue the pants off me" a couple of weeks ago since i wouldn't fill his pain meds early. I had spoken to him at least 5 times during the week to get his md to change his dose.

    I figured my pants are worth about $5, have at 'em.

  10. That's like an alcoholic who tells others that their behavior "makes" him drink. What a loser!

  11. This is why I'll be voting "no" on medical marijuana in November. I'm ok with marijuana being legalized to the same status as alcohol, but if it's "medical," then I'm gonna be stuck with potheads buggin me for it just like these opioid people. Leave me the hell out of it. I have real patients to see.

  12. Just say "no" like the rest of us.

    Trying to guilt a Dr. LOVE IT!

    Thank you for the entertainment Dr. Grumpy.

  13. Sounds like my 5 year old- "Mommy, if you don't go to RIGHT NOW you don't love me and I am going to hate you FOREVER! Can I have some juice?"

  14. Did you write him for "Getthefuckoutidine"?

  15. What's so wonderful about being so dizzy or sleepy you can't perform normal activities in life?

    I don't understand narcotic addiction. Maybe it's my own reaction to the medications when I've had to take them but I really like being conscious and fully coherent for the important stuff, you know, life.

  16. Man, I would've thought that these people's having to *plan* to see you -- you know, to make *and* keep an appointment -- would insulate you a little bit, versus the jerks who just show up in the ER.

    Guess I was wrong.


So wadda you think?