Friday, August 6, 2010

Annie's desk, August 6, 2010

Annie: "Dr. Grumpy's office, this is Annie."

Ms. Daughter: "Hi, my Dad has Parkinson's disease, and I was wondering if you had any birthday gift ideas specifically for Parkinson's patients?"

Annie: "Hmm. Well, there's a really good physical therapy program for them over at Local Rehab."

Ms. Daughter: "No, I'd have to drive him to that, and don't have the time. He already has a cane, otherwise I'd get him one. Can you write a script under my name for his meds? That way I can have my insurance pay for them, and save him money?"

Annie: "No, we really can't do that. What about just a regular gift? Like baseball tickets, or a book?"

Ms. Daughter: "No... He likes movies. Do you know of any movies that are out now about Parkinson's disease? He's already seen 'Awakenings'."

Annie: "Why don't you take him out for a nice brunch, or dinner?"

Ms. Daughter: "You people aren't any help at all." (click)


  1. Why don't you tell her you could sell her a brand new substantia nigra then wrap up a chicken gizzard in plastic and charge her $300.

  2. How about the really nice gift of not acting like everything in the man's life is about being sick?

  3. You obviously are just not catering to your patients' needs.

    I bet you don't have a coffee bar, masseuses and streaming internet in your waiting room, either.

  4. My father has Parkinson's too. I get him pictures of the Grandkids. He has healthcare in Mexico. His meds are covered 100%.

    Maybe she should send her Father to Mexico-to live-to get away from her.

    WV-achoo Ahahahaha

  5. Yeah, I think a nice trip away from her would have been a perfect present. Sheesh.

  6. How sad. I used to bring my grandfather a small black coffee, a plain donut, and gossip. That's all he wanted, along with my company.

    I miss him.

  7. OMG.....What is wrong with people? Are you sure you aren't making this stuff up? ;)

  8. Hey Annie,
    My dad just had a colostomy.
    Any Birthday gift ideas?

    OMG Too bad this man could get
    a new daughter as a birthday

  9. I'm guessing she already had a medication in mind for that prescription she wanted you to write for her "father" in her name. I would have suggested she give her dad a day away from her as a gift :).

  10. Buying someone a movie about their illness is either an awesome joke for someone who appreciates black humour, or just a really, really bad idea.

  11. You have any suggestions for a person with Scheuermann's kyphosis? I used to visit a very nice gentleman with end stage Parkinson's at a care facility. He enjoyed having company while watching Jerry Springer.

    Wv--scocoma. Like a scotoma, only different.

  12. Insurance fraud as birthday present? Really? Is this for real?

    I wish you could charge her for a standard office visit for wasting your time.

  13. On another note, my uncle with ALS really enjoyed the copy of "Pride of the Yankees" I got him for Christmas last year.

  14. puhleeese- nothing that involves time or effort

  15. So sad
    so bad
    no time to drive her sick dad...

  16. I cannot believe how rude people are. And hello, what an odd question to begin with!

  17. Maybe this daughter's onto something.

    Many museums make you walk through a gift shop on the way out. Why not sell neurological gifts in your waiting room.


    Framed copies of the patient's MRI

    T-shirts that say, "I don't twitch nearly as much since I saw Dr. Grumpy"

    Stovetop popcorn pans for patients with tremors.

  18. I just caught a patient at my pharmacy commiting this ins fraud. She had written in her ex-husband's name on her rx ( the MD had forgotten to write it on ). She did this also because she had no insurance. And it was a controlled sub. Insurance fraud AND a felony.

    And I agree with Outrider.....the best gift you can give is YOU!

  19. went into the wrong specialty.

  20. Hey, I'm with a.generic doc. It'd totally buy that t-shirt.

    But I'd want the digital files of my MRI, so I could have it printed on a dishtowel.

  21. a.generic doc - bwahaha, that's good.

    What a moronic daughter, though. Sad.


So wadda you think?