Monday, July 5, 2010

More Acronyms From Hell (AFH)

I'd like to thank Whitney for submitting this. She says it was proudly displayed at her Pharmacy School.

(click to enlarge)


  1. That's one award I would actually like to have won in pharmacy school!!

  2. Well, there was a political party called CRAAP (CRAPP?) They quickly renamed themselves.

    There's also the CRAAP test, used to critically evaluate the sources used for an essay or research paper.

    Good times.

  3. I love these acronyms! I run across them in the hospital all the time, but the military was the KING of acronyms. I think you should collect them in a special folder on your blog. Maybe call it "Found Acronyms that Induce Laughter". ;)

  4. I think the winner was a graduate of the South Houston Institute of Technology.

  5. Even worse, he died of colon cancer

  6. Damn! Joe was my professor for SAP. But knowing him, he would have laughed his ass of at an award like that. No pun intended.

  7. I hope the award reads "for doing important crap in pharmaceuticals."


So wadda you think?