Wednesday, July 14, 2010

And so it begins...

While I'm flying to join the rest of the Grumpy Gang (they drove ahead of me a few days ago to visit family), those of you who haven't read our previous freaking nightmares in a minivan family vacations can do so.

Spring Break, 2009

Summer Vacation, 2009

The above links will take you to the first day of each trip, and you can work forward from there.

Provided I don't hang myself in a Motel Hell, I'll be sending reports back from the front.


  1. I would wish the Grumpy tribe a pleasant, relaxing vacation, except from reading your previous adventures that might be too optimistic. How about I wish you a homicide-free, Diet-Coke-filled vacation instead?

    Seriously, though, hope you have a good time.

  2. My littles have just recently grown into young adults, camp counselors, college students, full time work.. alas our family vacations have come to an end for a while. Enjoy every freaking hellish moment. Seriously, you will miss these days eventually.

  3. if this movie/vacation is going to be even better than Las Vegas Vacation or Little Miss Sunshine, i'm right there in the front row.
    - The Equestrian Vagabond

  4. Captain FoulenoughJuly 14, 2010 at 6:50 PM

    Bon voyage, bon docteur et famille. Be safe and well and fercrissakes relax! Cheers.

  5. If you happen to check your blog, I do have some advice as the veteran of many family vacations with four boys:


  6. I love your vacation reports! Can't wait to read them.

  7. Oooohhh! Another Dr Grumpy et al goes on vacation saga. I can't wait for the first installment.

  8. What fun!

    I hope you don't hear..."What? no cartoon network? I want to go home! Wah!" from any of your divas.

    I think long vacations with children should always occur close to home. The traveling part is the killer (for me, anyway).

    Good luck! And BTW don't hang yourself. What will we do without all those fun crazy referral and patient stories...

    Think of all your people in the blogosphere, grumpy. And your online store..and the yaks! ;->

  9. I second the duct tape. It comes in a mulitude of colors now. You could assign colors according to...

    Hey, don't you do that with your patient's charts? Color code them, that is?


So wadda you think?