Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Not helpful

Dr. Grumpy: "Are you allergic to any medications?"

Ms. Vague: "Yes, several."

Dr. Grumpy: "What are their names?"

Ms. Vague : "I don't know. Can't you get the list from my last doctor?"

Dr. Grumpy: "Okay, we'll have you fill out a release... What's that doctor's name?"

Ms. Vague: "I have no idea. It was a man. I think I saw him when I lived in Missouri. Does that help?"


  1. What? I don't see the problem. The doctor is a guy. He possibly lives in Missouri. That pretty much narrows down the doc who saw her. :-)


  2. LOL.. As a Canadian, I'm actually used to that. I constantly get asked "Do you know my Aunt Erma? She lives in Canada".


    Canada is the 2nd largest nation in the world (Land mass) and has 30 million people. I do not know them all personally. :P

  3. I might know of this doctor fellow. Is he the one that wears a white coat?

  4. That goes in the file with:
    Allergies: some antibiotic
    Do you remember which one: no
    when did the reaction happen: I don't remember, but my mother told me that a doctor told her that I was allergic.
    The patient was 82 years old.

    There's also the:
    What medications do you take: some
    Which ones: call my pharmacy, they'll send you a list
    Where do you get your prescriptions filled: at a pharmacy
    which one: it's near my house
    Is it a chain drugstore: I don't know
    what intersection is it near: it's on my way home from work, look, can't you just call them and get them to fax over my medication list?

    I wish people would take responsibility for their own health...

  5. My librarian friends get this all the time. "I'm looking for a book. I think the cover is red. I saw it on TV. It might be about sailing. Or maybe vampires. You saw it, it was on TV!"

  6. You know Dr. Grumpy, I work for a doctors office in Missouri... I will totally send you her allergy list. You know she MUST be one of our patients!

  7. We get this type of thing a lot in vet-med too...
    What kind of food do you feed Sadie?
    -Its dry, and medium size pieces... Its by Purina, or maybe Hills, or that other one they show on TV all the time... and its in a RED BAG! (as if that last bit of info is crucial to our narrowing down the type they feed! after all - there is ONLY one type of dog food for each color bag, right?!?)

  8. "He was on that show with the hospital."

  9. I would put that down as "no known allergies" since she was clueless.

  10. "what meds are you on?"

    "the hospital has the names."

    "that's friggin' great. i'm asking you right now, a-hole. you think i'm just making small talk?"

  11. Did this doctor have a stethoscope? Because if he did I think I might have seen him as well.

  12. HA! I think she called my office the other day - I had this for a voicemail when I came in Tuesday morning:

    "Umm, yeah...I see a doctor. I don't remember his name. Someone from his office - I don't remember their name - called me and told me to call them back about some medication...I don't know what it's called. Umm, so, yeah...I'm calling them back."

  13. I'm ad ER nurse and here is one of My favorites... What medications do you take? I don't know. You have a list here somewhere. Okay, I'll attempt to look it up. When was the last time you were here? I don't know. Okay, do you think your medicines have changed a lot since last visit? Yeah, I just saw my doctor last week and she changed a lot of things around. Just call her nurse. -as it is 2am and what doctor's nurse is avaliable at 2am to look up this guy's med list?????

  14. I see this every day. Unfortunately, it also comes with "But I do remember that they gave me Lortab and "Xanibars!"

  15. The sad thing is, as I am reading this post I'm thinking "No problem. The insurance company will have the names of previous physicians". I am so use to stupid people, I have a way to fix that problem.


So wadda you think?