Monday, June 21, 2010


Dr. Grumpy: "Have you had any falls since your last visit?"

Mr. Balenz: "One, but it was my fault. I wasn't using my cane properly."

Dr. Grumpy: "How were you using it?"

Mr. Balenz: "I was hitting the rose bushes with it, to try and get the cat to come out."


  1. The Evil ReceptionistJune 21, 2010 at 9:17 PM

    Hey, at least she's honest.

    Verification: "memer". As in, "Heyya Mary! I can't memer when my 'pointment is!"

  2. Sounds like a great use for a cane!

  3. I think I like Mr. Balenz. A lot.

  4. funny and some bad luck, but not as crazy as most of your patients!

  5. That gentleman has a fine mind. I never knew how much potential a cane has until I had to start using one. It gets you a seat in the subway, drives away all suspicious wallet stealers, gives you the first place when in line. Also it brings down to you everything that is high to reach. Too bad Mr. Balenz fell but I bet you that cat came out of the rose bushes in a hurry...

  6. Well if the thorns weren't doing the trick - what made him think shaking a bush would do any better?

    That cat probably looked like a Cheshire when he slipped :( and the guy only has one life - he should be more careful with it.

  7. Wow you actually have a patient that is honest in their responses!


So wadda you think?