Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Mary's Desk, June 30, 2010

Mary: "Can you come in on Tuesday?"

Mrs. Queens: "Of course not. I'm from New York."

(If any New Yorkers out there can explain this logic, I'd appreciate it)


  1. Is she only visiting? And going back to NY before Tuesday? That's the only logical explanation I can think up.

  2. North of 14th St., "come in on Tuesday" is slang for "trisect an angle using only a compass and straightedge." South of 14th, it means "build a perpetual motion machine." In the outer boroughs, it means "afford to live in Manhattan."

  3. The only thing I can think of... what was Tuesday besides Tuesday? Like, date and so on?

  4. Um. Um.

    The only thing I can think of is that Mary's is closed on Tuesdays. But it's in Cambridge, MA. Very good dim sum, though! (Mary Chung's.)

    I gotta go eat eggs now.

  5. We dont leave our dwellings on Tuesday. It's like the Sabbath doncha know.

  6. If its this coming Tuesday, perhaps because its after the holiday weekend???

  7. Maybe she'll be spending the long weekend with family in New York and will spend Tuesday either traveling or resting up after traveling?

    I know someone who is visiting his mother this week and will be returning on Sunday because the price of air fare on Monday will be especially bad. If he didn't have to work on Tuesday he might have stayed an extra couple of days until the prices went back down again.

  8. she is manhattan and desires obey, grumpy. now.

  9. Is this like one of those "her horse's name is Tuesday" jokes?

  10. I think she meant to say "fuggagitaboutit"

  11. ROLFLMAO @ Anon 3:58 - Niiiiice

  12. Yeesh - talk about being the very definition of 'non sequitor'

  13. Well, my father used to make his appointments _in_ NYC on Tuesdays, because the street cleaning happened that morning and so all the parking was temporarily open just after. So maybe Ms. NYC is unwilling to move her car out of a parking spot she could otherwise squat on all week!


So wadda you think?