Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Dear Mrs. Frosting,

Congratulations on your first wedding anniversary!

I know a lot of people save a layer from their wedding cake, to eat on the first anniversary. I have no problem with that (I don't remember anymore if we did or not, but if I ask Mrs. Grumpy she'll kill me for forgetting that important point).

Anyway, I'm sorry the cake was so badly freezer-burned that it was inedible. Sometimes that happens. I'm sure you were disappointed at having to throw it out.

Apparently, though, you couldn't bring yourself to do that. So why on Earth you decided to dump it off at my office as "treats for the staff" I have no idea. I can only assume you don't have neighbors or co-workers that you hate enough to give it to.

Mary and Annie have put your thoughtful wedding souvenir in an appropriate place. If the Audobon society calls tomorrow asking about a large number of dead pigeons near our dumpster, we're giving them your name.


  1. Grumpy:

    Maybe you can tell Ms. Frosting that your recycling all ready was picked up, so she has to take hers home.

    Poor pigeons!

  2. Lmbo ummm sweetie what does that say about how she feels about ya'll?? I would just be checking any more treats she gives ya from here on out

  3. WHAT?? Now this post just takes the cake.

  4. Delicious! I totally would have eaten that in residency.

  5. Gross! When my ex-husband and I pulled our cake out to try to eat it on our 1st anniversary, the icing had turned to goo and the cake itself was crumbly. We took it out into the woods and used it for target practice :). Guess that is why we are divorced? LOL

  6. So, do you even remember the flavor of your wedding cake? :D

  7. Must not have heard , eating year old wedding cake insures long life , prosperity --tossing it brings nothing but heartache. Guess you guys are wrestling the pigeons right about now. Bon Appetite

  8. Per my comments on Mary's efforts to quit smoking - Food poisoning is also a great way to be too sick to smoke.

    It's the thought that counts, right? Too bad the thought here was "This is really horrible, inedible, and disgusting, but I know YOU PEOPLE are far less discerning than I."

  9. Science Marches OnJune 8, 2010 at 3:13 PM

    But it's not against any religion
    To want to dispose of a pigeon.

  10. if you bring it to work, it will be eaten.

  11. Treat the staff as you want to be treated...!

  12. That is disgusting. I cannot imagine giving inedible food to my doctor's office.

  13. My husband I will be married for 16 years this coming August. When we got married we saved a layer from the cake to enjoy on our first anniversary. Our first anniversary came alone and we cut into the cake. The cake was a berry cake. The berries had fermented. All I can say is...whew!

  14. When I got married, the bakery that did the cake, specifically told us they did not want us trying to freeze any of the cake.

    They made us a small anniversary cake for our 1st anniversary as part of the wedding cake package.

    They kept the info on file so they knew what flavor/frosting/colors to use.

    It was very good.

  15. Queen Silly BritchesJune 8, 2010 at 6:45 PM

    We didn't have cake at our wedding. I can't imagine what a chocolate chip cookie that had been frozen for an entire year would taste like. *shudders*

  16. What a whack job, Dr. G.

  17. do you have the audobon society's number on speed dial so when the pigeons get sick ... someone can pick them up?

  18. So the pigeons got to have their cake and eat it too...

  19. We didn't save any cake from our wedding but I did keep some leftover frosting (my cousin made the cake) for over 10 years in the sentimental section of our freezer. Finally threw it out, but the marriage is still going strong (21 years on Friday!)
    word verification -esticing!
    -whitecap nurse

  20. did you refuse to write the percocet script for her? no wonder she hates you :p

  21. "But it's not against any religion
    To want to dispose of a pigeon."

    Definitely not! A few less winged rats is ok by me...


  22. How about expired Cheap Chocolate at Christmas that's melted and reshaped in the box?
    Or my, "I want a holistic treatment" client who gave me thank-you cookies. First ingredient "Hydrogenated coconut oil"
    Happens all the time.
    You should be kinder to the pigeons, though!


So wadda you think?