Monday, May 24, 2010

Overheard at the hospital

I'm in one of those rooms with 2 beds, and a curtain between them, examining a patient. On the other side of the curtain a lady is ordering lunch from the hospital cafeteria dial-in service.

"I'll have the BLT sandwich. I want it with cheese, too. Oh, and multigrain bread. The cardiologist told me to eat healthy."


  1. well it COULD be healthier than what she normally eats, but i'm not sure it could ever be classed as 'healthy'

  2. What the average person knows about nutrition could fit under my fingernail. Yet they're all convinced they understand how it all works. I'm never sure which are worse, the people who don't understand why some foods need to be eaten in a more limited quantity, or those who take it to the other extreme and don't understand that your body almost always needs SOME fats (or carbs, or whatever) to be healthy.

    In any case -- I've been in a hospital that has a 'order on demand' food system [which is just a brilliant thing] and if she's on a restricted-for-cardiology diet I'm sure the RD on the other end of the phone explained to her why her order was a problem.

    On the gripping hand I once had to explain to said hospital's head dietician that yes, I could have ice cream by doing a fat/carb exchange, and they needed to update their diabetic diet formula to something from the '90s [it was the 2000s], when the ADA [the diabetes one] bravely pointed out that sugar is just another carb, just do the exchanges. They did update their stuff, too. Sadly, the ice cream was *awful*.

    Today's captcha word is: nizednep. Which is pendezin backwards.

  3. In one of those space-time coincidences, Cooking Light had an article on what to order when you're out--and they recommended the BLT on multigrain bread!

    Latest research suggests that it's not the cholesterol you eat that kills you--it's the white carbs that change the way you process the cholesterol you eat.

    At least, that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

  4. Well, at least it has lettuce on it.

  5. Its almost as bad as the people at fast food restaurants that order a DIET soda with their meal. As if it makes up for lost ground.

  6. I posted about this ages ago, but when I was in my room after my EP study, my Mom and I overheard the following between my elecrophysiologist and the woman in the next bed:

    "I guess I have to start eating healthy, huh? No fat, no salt, nothing."

    "Well.. you can't eat NO fat. But you're right, you should eat well. Lots of chicken and fish and vegetables."

    "What if most of what I eat is moose? Me and my husband shoots it."

    The total silence afterward was the best part. Plus, this was Toronto - I don't know where she was getting the moose.

  7. I don't get it. What's so unhealthy about a beet, lettuce, and tofu sandwich?

  8. *Sigh* SO typical. Never mind the bacon and cheese, it's the BREAD that makes or breaks being healthy! *palm-to-forehead* The even sadder part about all of this is that I doubt that "multigrain" bread is any healthier than regular old white bread.

    On a related note, are hospitals TRYING to gain more business for themselves with the food they serve? My mom had gallbladder surgery and the morning after was served bacon, eggs, and a glazed doughnut for breakfast. She stared at the tray and told them she wouldn't eat any of that if she were feeling well! (and then asked for some toast instead!)

  9. Helen: It wasn't me, I swear it.

    Dr Grumpy: sorry for the worse-than-usual babbling. Not enough sleep makes Moose's vaguely psychotic.

    [this afternoon's captcha word is: equirdbl. Not enough sleep upsets my equirdbl.]

  10. Neuronerd- Diet Coke has anti-calories, which cancel out other foods! That's why I drink it constantly, for health reasons.

  11. I worked at a soda fountain/candy store for two summers while I was in college. People often ordered our huge sundaes and then a diet soda. Made me laugh every time...

  12. Helen: Maybe she meant "mouse"? You know, in the same way the pronounce "about" :)


So wadda you think?