Friday, May 14, 2010

Must need a helluva big pill bottle

Dr. Grumpy: "How much Inderal are you on now?"

Mr. Hedayk: "80 megatons a day."

Dr. Grumpy: "You mean milligrams."

Mr. Hedayk: "Whatever."


  1. So now you're treating North Korean athletes?

  2. Wow! Megatons, huh? Maybe that's what my MD is doing wrong. I should be on 20 megatons per ML not 20 milligrams.

    Are you accepting new patients?

    Also, are you familiar with MHNI in Ann Arbor, Michigan? If so, have you ever referred a patient there?

  3. Units of measurment matter! Just ask NASA, they learned this the hard way. Newtons, force-pounds...whatever.

  4. I don't think there's enough glucagon in the world to reverse an overdose of that magnitude!

    The infamous forged 'mofeen' script calls for a pound quantity, I believe...

  5. some migraines are mega nasty

  6. Gee, can I get something in megatons for my pain?? Maybe that will work!! ::snicker:: Seriously, even my kids know their meds better than that!!

  7. Anonymous, the infamous "mofeen" prescription did indeed call for "1 lb mofeen". I named my teddy bear after that tale. (Mofeen Bear!)

    So is a megaton more or less than a f*ckton or a sh!tload? :-)

  8. Haa, ha. Mofeen.

    Back when Lilly sold Darvocet N 100 in neon orange, our pharmacy 'boasted' a four foot model for an ache 'that' big.

    To express an amount in megatons, however, sounds as if it describes the size of an explosion.

  9. Megatons? Is radiation causing his headaches?

  10. I truly think that some of my patients need megatons of Haldol and Ativan.

  11. Probably the same idiot who comes to me and wants 100CC syringes.

  12. Do you patients ever confuse milligrams and micrograms?

  13. u mean megatonne which is a unit of weight.
    megaton is a unit of energy eg. explosive force.

  14. Good thing this guy isn't in the military, otherwise we'd be threatening to drop a 20 milligram bomb on North Korea.

  15. I guess he has Atomic strength Inderal.
    Inderal 80 megatons
    Disp: 1
    Sig: Take as directed.
    Dispense as "Little Boy" or "Fat Man". Brand Medically Necessary.
    No refills.

  16. Sorry-that was probably one of my customers. I dont correct them anymore. What's the point? Anus, armpit, bellybutton, vag-they all insert things anywhere. sigh

  17. "Whatever, why should I be responsible for having an intimate knowledge of the name and dosage of the medication I'm prescribed? That's the doctor's job"

  18. Can I get my Relpax by the megaton? Please?

  19. Enough anti-osmium to make an 80mt bang is a ball less than 2" across. It wouldn't need to be that big a pill bottle! <G>


So wadda you think?