Thursday, May 27, 2010

More priorities

Dr. Grumpy: "So how did this all start?"

Mrs. Trayler: "Well, on Sunday, I was doing some cleaning, and suddenly I couldn't move my right arm, and my daughter said my speech was slurred. So we went to Local Hospital."

Dr. Grumpy: "Hang on..." (logs into the Local Hospital records) "That's weird, the hospital has no record of you being treated there. Are you sure you went to this hospital?"

Mrs. Trayler: "Yeah, but I didn't stay. The lobby was full, and I was worried I'd have to wait, so I left."

Dr. Grumpy: "You left the hospital with a stroke?!!!"

Mrs. Trayler: "I had to. I mean, the NASCAR race was gonna start."


  1. WOW!

    My word verification: Phoca

    any phocal deficits!! :)

  2. Captain FoulenoughMay 27, 2010 at 2:17 PM

    While still chuckling over the Redundant Radiologist I nearly missed the subtlety of "Mrs Trayler". Well played, sir.

    Man, that must have been tough, watching the race with her beer hand disabled.

  3. Hehe my kinda woman, I bet she's a Tony Stewart fan

  4. Um, I think I may have dated this woman's son in high school.

  5. Uhhhh maybe assure her that next time she's having a stroke that she won't have to wait... too long (hopefully?) if she goes to the ER


  6. Well, jeez, we're talking NASCAR here! Of course watching the race is far more important than treating a stroke! (Yeah, and if her beer hand was disabled, so she used her other hand for the beer, how could she eat her pork rinds???)

  7. And another idiot tries to take themselves outta the pool.

  8. "And my pit crew was waiting for me."

  9. Flawed logic. If a NASCAR fan has a stroke, how would you even notice?

  10. If only they'd been showing the race in the waiting room, I bet she'd have stayed!

  11. And to think this woman has already reproduced....

  12. At least she made it in to see you. That's a great improvement over some of your patients.

    Guessing we're outside the tPA time frame?

  13. Be fair: she left the hospital with a problematic left arm and a slur, no? She didn't have a diagnosis of a stroke?

    How the heck are patients supposed to diagnose themselves?

    Did she talk to a triage nurse at the hospital and get told to just sit and wait? Or did she leave without even that?

  14. Patients think we're Burger King, they can drive through and have it their way. And get home in time for NASCAR.

    Word verification: stewd

  15. "I mean, I had it on DVR, but that was when I was planning to watch it."

  16. some fans are born, not made

  17. Awesome. And it's a woman! A gear head after my heart....

  18. "Maybe I should have gotten to the hospital earlier, but I really wanted to see the rest of that infomercial."

  19. "And if I miss the explanation at the beginning, I can never follow what's happening."

  20. "And I figured one of the guys down at Jack Strappe's Sports Bar would know how to deal with it. Plus, if I don't get there in time, someone else always sits in my favorite stool."

  21. "And ever since I saw that movie where the race car flips over and goes flying off the track and lands in the hospital waiting room and explodes, I've had this phobia."

  22. "And, while my husband and his buddies are watching the race, that's my chance to slip off to a motel room with his brother."

  23. I fail to see this the issue here. It's quite simple. Kasey Kahne is behind the wheel, as long as I have a pulse I am in front of the TV.

    Nuff said. : D

  24. Did you inform her that in the future when she strokes out, it's the golden ticket to the front of the line?

    I tried but I can't roll my eyes hard enough.


  25. "Good job, we couldn't have done anything for you anyway...too good for tPA, afterall...Here are the orders for your outpatient dopplers/echos and the wacky labs for clotting disorders that are never positive...Now quit smoking and eating so many damn hamburgers!" There, no need for the hospital afterall.


So wadda you think?