Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Wednesday morning, 5:45 a.m.

Dr. Grumpy: "This is Dr. Grumpy, returning a page."

Mr. Clock: "Hi, I need to cancel my appointment for tomorrow at 9:15."

Dr. Grumpy: "Your appointment is today at 9:15."

Mr. Clock: "Cool. I'll see you then. And just cancel the one for tomorrow, I guess I don't need it now."


  1. I'm impressed that he managed to finish medical school while on the phone with you.

  2. Crap, my error. I changed it so it's not "Dr. Clock" on the last one.

    It's early, and I haven't had tea or DC yet.

  3. So how often does it happen that a patient calls your answering service and they page you for the patient to talk about a FREAKING APPOINTMENT? I would be furious!

  4. The next call you get will be the same guy following up on the test results from the appointment he didn't show up for. (It's a good thing we don't have anything else to do, right?....)

  5. At 5:45 in the morning, you have all your patients and their appts memorized?

    Wow. Now I'm impressed.

  6. i agree w/ mari-ann. your tolerance is super-human. i would have been flipped, but would have told him to talk to mary during office hours. click.

  7. LOL! Thats funny and frustrating. If i were in your place, i wouldnt know if i'd be pissed or amused. :P

  8. doll- pissed, because a call at that time of day means someone is doing poorly and the upcoming day is ruined. much adrenaline and very bad karma.


So wadda you think?