Wednesday, April 7, 2010

No, just pick somebody else's family. It's more fun.

Dr. Grumpy: "Any major illnesses in the family?"

Mr. Gene: "You mean my family?"


  1. Well, since you asked about someone else's family, let me tell you about mine.....

  2. No, the Royal Family, of course.

    Of Japan.

  3. "Sorry, but the Don says we're never supposed to discuss Family business with outsiders."

  4. That is so funny! Really?!?!

    Just wandered over to your blog. Love it!

  5. Ah, yes, the family question. I was adopted. So it's a short conversation. I'm a mystery! : )

  6. THE family?

    Which family would that be, exactly? The family in which one was raised (parents & siblings), or the family one lives with as an adult (spouse & children), or are you asking for a medical history of biological family members (some people want to include aunts/uncles/nieces/nephews/cousins when there are significant issues, and some people say that's too far removed), grandparents...?

    Regardless of how you interpret "family," isn't that information already on the paperwork, and so not really a necessary question?

  7. I don't do those forms. I take the whole history myself.

    I used to use them, but found that between trying to clarify points, read handwriting, and taking my own history it was actually faster to just do it myself.

  8. Hope you took your Sarcasma today! In your place, I would have had a probably-irresistible urge to make a smartass comment in reply. :)

  9. That makes more sense. Thanks.

    It's pretty cool to have a doctor ask questions and actually listen to the answers.

  10. Priceless, absolutely priceless. LOL.

    You are right about the forms, BTW. Most folks handwriting is just awful, older people are slower than dirt at writing stuff, and people "read" questions but don't *read* them. Allergies to drugs (real allergies) are the most overlooked.

    Great stuff. Love your blog.

  11. "Do you mean my actual physical family, or my family in World of Warcraft?"

  12. Last time I asked that question, the patient looked at his wife and asked her about "that heart thing that your uncles all had".

    I should have asked about consanguinity next...

  13. I want to use someone else's family! I didn't know that was an option. My family is a medical train wreck, so if I can use someone else' didn't I think of that?

  14. That's a crazy world you live in ... which world..?

  15. My running joke whenever a friend goes off to the bathroom is for me to ask them to 'go for me, too.' No special requests, mind you, just do for me what you're doing...

  16. Mum says we're never to talk about what goes on at home, it's private, no one else's I'll have to say no.

  17. Same lady as time zone lady?

    Sounds similar to pharmacy: have you been here before?
    No but my wife/sister/2nd cousin once removed has.
    Or. No but I go to Competitor Pharmacy.

    My second favortie:
    I'd like to know if a rx is ready.
    Who is it for?

    Now I just ask What is the name?

  18. Would you consider getting whacked a major illness?

  19. You don't use those damn history forms?! You take the history YOURSELF?! Okay, now I'm floored. Wherever it was that you learned this technique--be it at your medical school or your residency--that's where I want to go to learn medicine, so you'll have to tell me where to apply. And where to find others like you.

    (Especially because the next doctor that makes me fill out a 20 page form only to have his nurse ask me all the same questions and then ask me the same questions himself is going to get a swift kick in the 'nads.)


So wadda you think?