Sunday, April 4, 2010

I'm old

Marie comes running into my office, dancing wildly with her portable radio. She's crazy with excitement.

"Daddy! Daddy! Listen to this awesome dancing song! It's new! I've never heard it before!"

She jabs an earbud into my right ear.

It was "I Ran".

By A Flock of Seagulls.

From 1982.

Nothing makes you feel older than your kids.


  1. My 13-year old daughter asked me to load some of my "classic" music on her phone. Meaning Depeche Mode, the Cure, the Smiths....feeling young FAIL.

  2. Oh, that's excellent. And thank you. Now I have that song stuck in my head.

  3. Marie has great taste in music!

  4. And she's dancing like she's never danced before.

  5. My kids' babysitter calls me 'Ma'am'. Ugh. I can accept middle age, but ma'am??

  6. I am old, too - about the same age as you, I think. But my kids are older than yours. Several years ago my son wanted me to hear a "cool song". It was Pearl Jam's version of "Last Kiss".

    As it played I began to sing along. He asked how I could know the words since it was brand new. It was one of the songs I always sang to my babies as I rocked them.

    His big brother said, "I told you I had heard that before!" Of course Mom singing it to a baby is just not as cool as Pearl Jam.

  7. My kid asked me if they had pens when I was young.

  8. If the children make you feel old, wait until you have grandchildren. Feel old, more like decrepid. My sister-in-law and I were talking and suddenly realized "we are the old people". How did this happen without us being aware? Once we were the young ones with small children, now it our children with samll children. Who is that old person in the mirror?? Age snuck up on us. In our heads we are not old, but our bodies betray us. When I talk face to face to you the face looking out at you is not the same face that you are seeing on the outside. YUP, some days I feel old. "Unchained Melody" was a hit FIRST time around when I was a teen, then with Demi Moore and Whoopie Goldberg in "Ghost" it became popular again and that was 20 years ago now!

  9. You should do your hair up like that dude for your next patients.

  10. Ugh, I feel your pain. Mine are all teens now but I remember my son finding my record collection when he was about 5 years old. He wanted to know what to do with "these giant shiny black CD's" *facepalm*

  11. Try explaining dial-up to an 8th grader! When I told my (much) younger brother that we didn't even have internet at home until I was about his age, he just looked at me wide-eyed and asked (in all sincerity), "So... what did you DO?"

  12. One of my med school classmates told me his first cd ever was Sublime, when he was oh.... 11 or so.

    I remember listening to that driving down the Pacific Coast Highway with my boyfriend when I was (wait for it)


    That was my first day of med school, and I felt hella old then.

  13. Yep, my 7 year old does that to me all the time. Her favorite song right now is - and this is SO bizarre - "Mr. Blue Sky" off of ELO's greatest hits CD. A small clip of it was in Paul Blart: Mall Cop, and I made the mistake of saying hey, I have that song in my we play it ALL the time.....that and "Evil Woman." WTH, kid...........

  14. To preserve everyone's sanity I will not post a link to the Family Guy rendition of "The Bird (is the word)"

  15. Everything old is new again.... just takes about 25 years before it is 'discovered' again.

  16. Oh man. I have a brother who is 20 years younger than I am. When he was about... oh 20... he dragged me out to his car because I just had to listen to this group he had just run across and they were so great lalala.

    ELP. Works. I listened for a bit and said, "Yeah. I was at that concert. In fact, I was at the one with the full orchestra and choir. Do you have Brain Salad Surgery yet?" "What?! There's more?!" ::face:palm::

  17. Last week my daughter had to interview me about what life was like when I was her age. She just couldn't get over how you had to go to where the phone was in the house to talk on the telephone, you couldn't just walk around or leave with it because the cord didn't go very far. It made me feel like 1970 was dinosaur days. She found it very hard to believe that some people never called. They wrote letters. And mailed them. As they said in The Princess Bride.....INCONCEIVABLE.

  18. Here is the video for that song
    It is little washed out and blurry but the music is quite good.

    Music from the 80's is far better than the pop music being produced now.

  19. OK I feel your pain so I will help you out. I got my first gray hair ten years BEFORE that song was popular!!!


So wadda you think?