Thursday, April 1, 2010

Guessing games

Dr. Grumpy: "Your blood pressure is 148/80. Where does it usually run?"

Mrs. Sphyg: "Oh, in the upper-higher, lower range."

Dr. Grumpy: "What do you mean by that?"

Mrs. Sphyg: "You know, where the upper number is higher than the bottom number."


  1. I guess if they really don't have any medical background, I can understand this one. Not like the people who are all shocked and amazed when I explain that yes, male dogs have nipples (and by the way sir, I really don't want to see you topless if you didn't understand that male mammals have nipples).

  2. You couldn't make that up... lol.

  3. Better than the alternative, I guess.

  4. That sound wrong. I mean, even in the patient's head, that had to sound wrong. Or not...that would explain why he needs a neurologist.

    Goop fail?

    And I'm sorry that no one wished you a happy doctor's day. Belated happies to you!

  5. i hope you told her that if her upper number was lower than her lower number she'd be in deep shit. i also dig the sphygnanometer reference. isn't that a great word?! ;-)

  6. Easy come, easy go, little high, little low.

  7. Good Heavens!! I was trained to pay attention to my normal bp from the time I was a child! How can you tell if you're sick if you don't know what 'normal' is for your body? I've taught my children the same thing.

    @student dr. blaze - I do too!! My pediatrician always used the proper words for things, as did his nurses. Now I get off on watching the look on medical professionals faces when I use that word. ::giggle::

  8. it's sphygmomanometer


So wadda you think?