Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Who needs specifics?

Reading another doctor's notes this morning, and I found this gem:

"Impression: High blood pressure. Verapamil isn't helping. I told her to stop it and take something else."


  1. 2 shots of Tequila with a Corona chaser should do it...

  2. Probably wrote the prescription that way too....

  3. Totally off subject, my
    2010 Census arrived yesterday. I as sure glad our goverment warned me about the big project!

  4. What a useless bit of information that is.

  5. Sounds like he could use a neurologist- can't remember any other BP meds! Or could then, but now can't remember which one he told her to take. Either way, sounds like he could use your help.

  6. Maybe he just told the patient to pick one, and gave her a blank script pad.

  7. Maybe he's gotten tired of competing with Dr. Google, and he's throwing in the towel.

  8. Well, it's obvious what the doctor picked didn't work, so he/she was smart enough to make the patient more proactive in their healthcare.


  9. Maybe he/she is warning that verapamil might not work for cluster headaches, and also in a roundabout way warning that this was one of those DTC fiends? Or, maybe he/she had pulled up a list of hypertension medications and started at the end of the alphabet, or looked up WebMD and started from the bottom of the list, instead of the usual order of: ACE-I, diuretics, beta-blockers, calcium channel blockers? Or?

  10. Maybe she's now on medical marijuana--still has high BP but doesn't care. Come to think of it, maybe the doc is using that!

  11. And that something else would be...? Oh the possibilities. :P

  12. Uh, yeah... I guess she has to go to Wallyworld & find some of those "water pills." I hope he at least warned her about her wardrobe, lest she end up on the website....

  13. It's pharmacist's choice! I bet lots of pharmacists would rather all docs did it that way.

  14. Hope he knows no beta blockers if she has asthma!



So wadda you think?