Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Tuesday morning whatever

Ms. Ictal: "So I had a seizure 2 weeks ago, and you did the episiotomy last week. What were the results?"

Dr. Grumpy: "You mean the EEG?"

Ms. Ictal: "Whatever, the test that started with an "E". What did it show?"


  1. So I had to look up what an episiotomy was...

    Moonlighting again, Dr. Grumpy?


    PS: Would that be considered 'burning the candle at both ends'?

  2. If she had really had an episiotomy, show would have known what the results were!


  3. Wow, I didn't know you were a multi-speciality doctor!

  4. WOW! I didn't know you were double-boarded!!!

  5. Did you remember to consent her for both procedures?

  6. Trying to take over my world?

  7. I once sewed up an episiotomy when i was a neurosurgery senior house officer. Long story - but a very short labour.....

  8. Reminds me of the Optometrist who told a teen-aged patient she had astigmatism. He was surprised to get a phone call from some irate parents, wondering how it was possible their kid could have glaucoma. Big words all sound alike to some people, I suppose.

    Word verification: Typereat (lunch very soon)

  9. OW!!!! She may have more medical problems than just the seizure.

  10. Personally I'm not sure if I'd want an episiotomy at a neurologist's office... but that's just me!

  11. So she could come up with a semi-difficult medical word, but not three simple letters - heck, two of those letters are the same!

  12. Have there been any studies showing the effectiveness of episiotomies as treatment for seizures? If not this could be a golden opportunity!

  13. Once someone from our office was taking a vacation to Australia. She was sharing with me a bit of history and said "penile colony" while describing the history. I interjected with "you mean penal colony." She simply looked at me and asked "what's the difference?" I actually, and very, very briefly, explained the difference though I couldn't believe I was explaining that to an adult.

    At least in her case, they "sound" somewhat similar. EEG &
    episiotomy, well at least they both share an "E."

  14. I'd much rather have the EEG.


So wadda you think?