Saturday, March 20, 2010

This is Mrs. Grumpy

Due to my husband pretending to be sick, so I had to cancel the babysitter tonight, posting has been temporarily suspended.

He is pretending to be barfing, pretending to be achy, and pretending to have a fever (I think he had the thermometer in Snowball's ass before putting it in his own mouth to fake that one).

Okay, so he's not really faking (it sure sounded better, though). But anyway, I'm not allowing him anywhere near the computer until he's unlikely to puke on it.

I need him healthy and back to work so he can continue to support my lavish school-nurse lifestyle. And because Mary pulls her hair out if she has to reschedule a whole day of patients. And we don't want her to be bald.


  1. I think it was the Diet Coke with bacon that did it to him!

  2. Feel better soon, Dr Grumpy!

  3. Oh noes! Puking on the computer is unacceptable, so feel better soon!

  4. Sooooooooo sorry - and Sassy's right that Diet Coke is bad for the stomach

  5. Poor little muffin. Doesn't the doctor know that he is not supposed to get sick? It really does mess with the patients. Unless of course it is his weekend on call and he just can't face that again. That, I would consider a legit reason. And Mary won't have to reorganize the schedule in that case.

  6. Get well soon, Grumpy. What a wonderful wife you have.

  7. Definitely the bacon and Diet Coke, and now I can associate puking with that pink piggy diet carbonated beverage. I better get a flat ginger ale to finish out the night.

    At least when he's empty, he won't have any more upsetting his tummy. Let's hope he gets a quiet rest for the rest of the weekend. (What a way to spend off call!)

  8. Get well fast, Dr Grumpy! Just think of all that Crayzee waiting for you...

    Hopalong Ginsberg

  9. Nurses have loads of's just that we don't waste it on family members.

  10. oh no! hope he feels better.

    To Mrs. Grumpy, does Dr. Grumpy have a man cold? (Reference to Ricky Gervais' Man Cold sketch @

  11. Make sure he calls himself repeatedly in the middle of the night to leave voice mails!

  12. lol, Sassy! Feel better Dr G.

  13. Sassy, that was exactly my thought! :)
    Get well soon Dr. Grumpy!

  14. Thanks for letting us know Mrs. Grumpy. I hope he feels better soon.
    Yes, keeping him away from the computer is the best thing. It would take you days to dig that stuff out of the keyboard.

  15. That's the pits! Hope he feels better soon, and the rest of the Grumpy tribe doesn't follow suit.

  16. I must have given him last week's projectile vomiting disease through my blog. Don't worry, he'll be feeling better soon.

  17. Awww...that sucks! Feel better, Grumps...ginger gum helps me with the nausea.

  18. Yes - I too was going to say something about maybe he shouldnt have drunk the bacon flavored diet sympathy to Dr. G and hope he gets better soon - my sympathy AND empathy to Mrs. G and hope he gets better soon!

  19. Mrs. Grumpy, is it a ploy just to hide out in his bedroom to watch March Madness on TeeVee? Sneak in there to see if he has his brackets under is pillow.

    LD50 Rat

  20. hope dr grumpy gets well soon and that no one else in the family gets it ... (but i reckon it was the bacon diet coke that did it too)

  21. Quit barfing and feel better, Dr. G.

  22. Get well soon, Dr. G. I've got a sick husband sleeping in his recliner as I type. Sigh. Commiserating with Mrs. G.

  23. Feel Better soon Dr. Grumpy! I had the same ickiness earlier this week but it lasted a mere 48 hours before it disappeared. Wishing you a quick recovery and I look forward to more witty posts upon your return. :)

    WV: snesse - the way women are supposed to sneeze? LOL

  24. GB, RN said...
    Nurses have loads of's just that we don't waste it on family members.

    That is what my cousin and my sister, both nurses, say to their husbands when they are sick.

    Is that taught in Nursing School?

  25. Yikes...major yuckiness going on. Here's to hoping this passes soon and we can all get back to our regularly scheduled dose of Grumpy. Glad to see the slightly warped sense of humor has been maintained, however!

    Get well soon Dr. G.!

  26. Feel better soon, Dr. G!

  27. Poor Dr Grumpy, feel better soon.

    Hey, wait, I thought Nurse Mrs Grumpy was a techophobe or luddite or something. I call shenanigans on this post :-P.

    Today's Captcha word is: multebo. Multebo: when you need more than one placebo at a time!

  28. LOVE that pic!! LOL!!

    Your postings are just as entertaining, so until he's feeling better... hope we'll see more of you!! LOL!!

  29. I prescribe Zofran ODT 8 mg Q4h. Oh, wait, I'm not allowed to prescribe without a license. Sorry Dr. Grumpy, you'll have to get Dr. Pissy to write one for you. I hope you feel better soon.

    P.S. Regular plug in keyboards can be washed in the top rack of the dishwasher. See for the how-to. :-)

  30. I always wondered what happened when docs get sick - I'm glad he's no different than any other man ("oh god, I'm dying!" when it's nothing more than a little flu).

    I prescribe more diet coke and a good soak in the hot tub to sweat that stuff out - but remember, I'm not a doctor, I just play one on the internet :)

  31. Poor Dr. Grumpy! I hope you feel better soon! You could watch all that coverage about health care reform...that will make you feel better right away, huh?

    Mrs. are too funny! :)

  32. The rep that brought the snacks to your rooms the day before you got sick...isn't that the one you were mean to last month?

    Get well soon!

  33. Mrs Grumpy, RN.....

    Whatever you do, don't let him watch the news or get on the internet and find out about yesterday's "Health Care Reform" vote!

    I don't have a tummy bug but wanted to retch and temporarily lost my will to live when I saw the front page this morning.

    Don't let the antics in DC cause a relapse...but we are waiting for his musings on the subject soon. Thanks for covering for your hubby in his hour of need!!

    Pattie, RN

  34. I do hope he gets better soon. Poor Marie.

  35. I'm wondering how Snowball like have a thermometer shoved up the ass!


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