Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Think green

I was out of syringes and needles, so I ordered some.

They came in cardboard boxes that said "Made from recycled materials."

I really hope they mean the boxes...


  1. No portion of either the Monoject or Terumo syringes I use is recycled.

    Now I'm envious of your green.

  2. Due to current economic recession difficulties, the Surgeon General has declared that sharing needles is a safe, effective way to not only save the environment, but to also save money. With this, new relationships will surely develop as prior strangers now can share a most intimate moment together.


  3. Oh, ick! The visuals are not good.

  4. Where I work they proudly display that the paper napkins they use are made from 'recycled' paper! I hesitate to wipe my mouth with the recycled paper napkins.
    Its just not right.

  5. Meh, as long as they autoclave it beforehand...

    /also, autoclaved cockroaches smell really bad
    //as do certain strains of enterococcus

  6. Captain FoulenoughMarch 23, 2010 at 8:11 PM

    @ Hannah: I know I shall regret asking this, but I can't seem to help myself, curiosity trumps revulsion: Why would you autoclave a cockroach?

  7. LOL, crunchier. Heh. :-) Actually, I'm pretty sure the roaches here in FL survive autoclaving. And pretty much everything else done to them.

    As for the recycling, I thought the gov't had a law against shared needles?

  8. heh you guys are so passe, here in chickville we have been recycling needles for ever. I can sell one bag of needles to a patient and he will come back about 9 months later for his second, all while going thru 12 bottles of insulin and 12 boxes of strips. LOL

  9. We just had a derm get arrested and sent away forever because he was "recycling" sutures and other implements of torture.
    Apparently he'd been doing the recycling for nearly 10 years.
    Actually the main reason he went to prison was medicare fraud.
    He got sued by a lot of his patients though.


So wadda you think?