Monday, February 1, 2010

Vocabulary homework

Dr. Grumpy: "Okay, next word, what does 'buffeted' mean?"

Craig: "Um, to eat a lot? Like at the chinese place with all the food you want?"


  1. I'm guessing - without googling - I'd say blown at - like buffeted by the storm.

  2. Doesn't it mean attending a Jimmy Buffet concert?


  3. Hmmmm. I wonder, perhaps buffet can also be a verb in French.

  4. Miriam Webster says:

    Main Entry: buffet
    Function: verb
    Date: 13th century
    transitive verb
    1 : to strike sharply especially with the hand : cuff
    2 : to strike repeatedly : batter
    3 : to drive, force, move, or attack by or as if by repeated blows

    intransitive verb : to make one's way especially under difficult conditions

    I hate to admit this, but I had to look it up! I never use buffet as a verb, only as a delicious noun!

  5. How 'bout using it in a sentence?

    I buffeted my way in line at the buffet today at the Dragon's View restaurant.

    (Does that work?)

  6. Buffeted - to restore shine to "grizzly" stuffed animals. ;)

  7. In the old days, you'd buffet him about the ears for this answer.

  8. Oh, well. Literacy is overrated these days. The real question is, how are his coding skills?

  9. How funny! I will never think of buffeted only in the same sentence as 'storm' ever, again.

    I was in the dairy aisle yesterday and overheard a man talking on his cell phone, 'No, there's no Yoplait brand left, just Dannon.' 'Yoplait' sounded like Yoeplatt -North Platte, Nebraska, and 'Dannon' sounded like Dannoe, -I dunno.

    I was so busy imagining a conversation, 'Pinnott, sil vou platt' that I nearly missed a cue to hand over a 25 cent off coupon at the check-out.


So wadda you think?