Thursday, February 11, 2010

Patient quote of the day

"I take all of my medicines once a day, except for the ones that I take twice a day."


  1. at least they take all their medications
    They are really in trouble if they say "I take all my medications once a day, except when I forget"

  2. I wonder if they meant the meds get dumped in the palm of the hand and tossed down the gullet all at once, except when they do it again later in the same day.

  3. Her senior year in college I had a friend tell me, "All of the people in my class are freshmen except the sophomores and juniors."
    Sometimes things sound so much better before they come out...
    <>< Katie

  4. Nice and clear as long as they remember which ones are which.

  5. Kinda like, "I love my husband - except when I don't."

  6. oh, no, it's far worse when they say they take them all except when they accidentally feed them to the family pet. ;-)

  7. God, i hate stupid people. Don't you just want to taser them sometimes?

  8. "2 thou shall not count, excepting then to proceedeth to 3!"

  9. Hey Dr Grumpy -love the blog . Just wonder which Dr grumpy you are, I know so many, kinda likeSanta. I'm home health nurse - I could trump your stories by posting actual pics of homes these folks live in. No words to describe! The fun never ends! Keep calm and carry on .

  10. Well obviously! :P

    Though perhaps in the patient's defense, English wasn't their first language? Too many of my patients end up saying funny stuff inadvertently and then I feel like an ass for laughing!


So wadda you think?