Saturday, February 20, 2010

My Readers Write

I'd like to thank Andrea, who sent me this great marketing example. She says it was taken at Walgreen's.

It's a bag of Chocolate Bridge Mix, creatively placed with the feminine hygiene products.


  1. lol it would be even funnier if it were hanging by the depends/adult diapers.

  2. There should also be another one of those loaded up with Lay's Potato Chips. Chocolate, salt, tampons...what else do you need?

  3. "You're not going to be getting any tonight anyway, so you might as well have some friends over for bridge."

  4. DispensingPhysicianCPhTFebruary 20, 2010 at 1:00 PM

    Gotta love cross merchandising! LOL

  5. I've noticed this happening in other aisles as well. My grocery store stocks TUMS and Zantac next to the salsa. Cold medicine next to the kleenex. One stop shopping.

    Except, this is a little different. This is borderline criminal. Taking advantage of women in hormonal turmoil. LOL

  6. They should have stuck some kleenex tissues next to this aisle as well...and maybe some sad movies.

  7. Au contraire! Studies have shown the medicinal properties of chocolate for women, particularly during menstrual cycles. They just need to have more variety.

  8. That's perfect, saves me from walking to the other side of the store for all the chocolate when I'm already too bloated to walk! LOL!!

  9. I think it's a FANTASTIC idea, and that all stores should do this. Because I'm going to be buying chocolate anyway, and this way I don't have to spend the extra energy searching for it. Well done.

  10. AWESOME!!! Sorry, but when women are OTR, they need some chocolate to go with it!! I don't think men will ever understand the pain we go through....

  11. A perusal of the packaging for the snacks and the nearby product wrapper to the left of the picture leads me to conclude that the person who stocked the product couldn't read and therefore tried to match the packaging.
    Hooray for diversity in the workplace.

  12. Great! Add a second hanging rack with an assortment of weapons, and we'll be good to go for shark week.

  13. Sure, but they put the CRAPPY chocolate there. PMS needs GOOD chocolate!!

  14. Full agreement with Miss Kismet. I go for the crappy chocolate any other time, but that time of the month I mainline the good stuff.

  15. As long as there isn't a sign telling me to "Have a happy period" they can put whatever they want there. I also agree with the good chocolate, I tend not to eat that plastic-chocolate-flavored-coating stuff.

  16. Other than being an odd placement, I don't get it.

    Oh, at another big chain regional store, the lingerie is placed RIGHT NEXT to baby clothes. Just as a reminder. I think it's a great idea.

  17. re: what Bulrush said

    I always loved that pregnancy tests are next to condoms.

  18. cross-marketing with chocolate can never be a bad thing


So wadda you think?