Thursday, February 18, 2010

I can fix that!

Dr. Grumpy: “What brings you in to see me?”

Mr. Auth: “My doctor says my back hurts.”

Dr. Grumpy: “Does your back hurt?”

Mr. Auth: “He told me it did.”

Dr. Grumpy: “But do YOU have pain, in your back, or anywhere else?”

Mr. Auth: “Nope. I’m fine.”


  1. Did you tell him it doesn't hurt?

  2. It's like the Jedi mind trick.

    Dr. Grumpy: "Your back doesn't hurt."

    Mr Auth: "My back doesn't hurt."

    Dr. Grumpy: "You can go back to your internist."

    Mr. Auth: "I'm going back to my internist."

  3. Are you sure it wasn't his ego talking? That "I'm a guy and I'm not telling another guy my back hurts, even if it means I'll be crying by the time I reach the car" thing that never ceases to amaze me....

    LOL....wv is wines!

  4. Keep him. He obviously takes his doctor's advice.

  5. It sounds like the internist also uses the Jedi mind trick. This guy could spend the rest of the day shuttling back and forth between your offices.

  6. When my kid got his tonsils out (at 2 and a half), we went back for a recheck. He said "My throat hurts. Mom, does my throat hurt?" I said no. He said "Oh, my throat doesn't hurt anymore." It was cute in a kid. But in an adult? Not so much.

  7. Any chance of making a "I Hate Call" poem T Shirt minus the phlegm and cold info . I am impressed with you poet skill.
    Maybe if you sell enough "I Hate Call" T's you can give up a week or two a year of call.
    Hope you'll say yes

  8. My mother, who was plagued a heavy feeling in her legs and feet that made walking increasingly difficult, was told for years that she had back pain, referred to specialists who asked about her back pain, and even asked by her neurosurgeon when she came to complain of no improvement after a spinal implant, whether her back pain had improved.

  9. I had kinda the opposite experience. My internist told me I was fine and I believed him till the chest pain and the jaw and arm pain became a real bummer whereupon I got a second opinion from a cardiologist and before I could say "nincompoop" I had an angioplasty and 2 stents. I fired the nincompoop gave my cardiologist a Rolls Royce and have lived to blog about it. Huzzah ! Love you Dr. Grumpy.

  10. Oh, Dr. Grumpy....I worship at your shrine. Wish to hell I could actually consult you but will have to make do with these vicarious consults. Thanks for visiting me.
    Love 'ya.

  11. More people need to follow this guy's example. Doc tells him something about his own body and he's on it, sorta, and then he follows up, for no reason, and... forget it. I'm worried that he drove to your office, considering that he probably is too dumb for words.

  12. Okay, Doc, you have to make up your mind here. Do you want your patients to take their doctor's advice, or don't you?

  13. This is great. Wish it worked on Axis II diagnoses tho.

    "You don't feel abandoned."

  14. Oh wow. That's hilarious!
    And scary.

  15. Me- "How much EtOH on average do you drink per day?"

    Pt- " I don't drink at all"

    Later on in the appt. during small talk...

    Me -" What is your favorite beer?"

    Pt- "I love MGD but Bud is good too."

    It is funny how often this works.

  16. nRT- when I get time I will do that, thank you for the suggestion!

  17. Are you sure this guy was not an Alzheimer's patient who forgot it hurt?


So wadda you think?