Monday, January 18, 2010


Let's look at this:

1. YOU are the one who lives 140 miles from here.

2. YOU are the one who refuses to move your demented mother into a home closer to you, in spite of the fact that she has no connections here at all.

3. YOU are the one who frantically called last Friday demanding an immediate appointment for Mom's behavioral changes.

4. YOU are the one who went apeshit because you called at 3:30 p.m. on a Friday and I didn't want to keep my office open until 6:00 so you could drive here, pick her up, and bring her to see me.

5. YOU are the one who refused my suggestion of admitting her to the hospital last Friday to work this up.

6. YOU are the one who demanded an appointment for today, so I agreed to work Mom in over lunch.

So don't come in and chew me out for making you spend 2 hours driving here and bring your Mom to see me! And don't chew Mary out and tell her that I did this only to get your Mom's $15 co-pay!

And, when YOU just decided you don't want any more tests done or medications started on Mom, don't freaking yell at me for wasting your time on this visit!


  1. Wow. How do you hold your tongue? I mean, it seems like at some point this SOB needed to be told off - if only for the Mom's benefit.

  2. A typical case of the mindset nowadays: all rights and no responsibilities. Poor mom in the middle. How are things supposed to change for her...

  3. Someone has a guilt complex for being a crappy son/daughter.

  4. She/he is probably upset because she/he can't deal with the fact that mom is ever going to be mom again.

    Or maybe I'm just projecting and she/he is really just a total a-hole.

  5. I woulda let them have it. But them I am ornery old medic whom has been known to speaketh when he should be quieteth!!

  6. I think you should hurry up and get on twitter - and if you already are, what's your @? It would be so much easier for me to retweet your awesome stories if you tweeted to. :D Keep them coming - we all need a funny pick-me-up right now.

  7. If I were to start twittering I'd never get anything done at my office!

  8. This is just sad! This is their
    mom! I have been seeing this
    more and more, and not just the
    medical field. I have a friend
    in the dental field and it is the
    same too. Too many people feel a
    sence of entitlement! Whether they
    are rich or poor, they feel entitled to dump rancor onto all healthcare staff and providers! It
    is just sad. I would find myself
    LUCKY to have a doctor bend over

  9. is having new Sx? I don't get why no testing, and you need the conflicted offspring's permission to check it out? Sounds pretty messed up to me and a waste of everyone's time to boot!

  10. Can Mom sign a living will or appoint someone else to be health care power of attorney? This one will be a pain in the ass an make Mom suffer unnecessarily at the end.

  11. What I want to know is this: since when did you start sending all your patients (and their families) to my CCU?

  12. God I hate those people. It's all about the ME. How about we put them on a plane and plop them down in Haiti somewhere? Maybe life wouldn't seem so tough....

  13. ** shakes head ** i'm glad my days aren't like yours ...

  14. Your boot should have met his arse as he was leaving.

  15. I really don't know how you do it. Managing idiots on a daily basis without going nuts yourself.

    You have the patience of an angel, I would say.

  16. I think this blog has to be great for your blood pressure. Have you done any before/after tests?

    (My word verification is bigaus. Makes me think of the special exam for some reason)

  17. What a total fooktard! When did morons like this start thinking that medical care is delivered at will and cheaply, like a hot dog at a 7-11???

    Pattie, RN

  18. ERP- yeah, but I hate to fire a patient because a family member is a problem.

    I just tell the family member they can't come back.

  19. Course then there's folks like me. Bring the 86 yo dad in. Dr. Neuro: How are you doing? Dad: I'm fine. Daughter, who is being made to look like I'm the nut case: What about those visual effects you were telling your opthalmologist about (He said it wasn't due to your eyes) and the animal(unspecified) you saw running across the road which wasn't there?" Dr. Neuro: He looks fine to me. Daughter: Plus the Mirapex you're giving him has him addicted to computer porn so he falls asleep in his chair every night and now he has cellulitis because he never puts his feet up. Dr. Neuro: (paraphrased) I don't see anything wrong. AAAargh!

    Just me


So wadda you think?