Friday, January 8, 2010

Mary's Desk, January 8, 2010

Mary: "Dr. Grumpy's office, this is Mary."

Mr. Armpain: "My pain is awful today, and I want to go over my MRI results! I need to come in urgently! Please! Can Dr. Grumpy work me in somewhere?"

Mary: "Umm, well, I can squeeze you in over lunch hour today."

Mr. Armpain: "No, that won't work. I'm meeting some friends. Do you have anything on Monday?"


  1. It's always an emergency until you're impacting THEIR time.

  2. Mary needs a raise! Glad the
    urgency and pain (!) was not too
    bad to interfere with the lunch
    date with friends! After reading
    the legion of nut-balls and
    seekers the past couple of weeks,
    it is no wonder your vacations are
    at sea!!

  3. Stupid drama queen...

  4. Ok, I live in Europe, but I'm willing to fly in for a consult. Whenever you'll take me. Except from 2-3 next Tuesday. I have a mani/pedi that I just can't miss...


    I am considering commuting for decent neuro care, though...

  5. THAT was FUNNY, Cheryl!

    Great blog, Doc G and staff...we humans are funnier than anybody, aren't we? :)

  6. Reminds me of a woman who was calling every morning for the O/C Dr 15 min before the clinic opened. We were told to tell her if it was a true emerg, go to the ED. One day she said " Well do you think I should?, I'd miss my hair appt then" I asked her where she gets her hair done.

    Hosp and big clinic switchboard operator.

  7. This sounds like my office! I am going away on a trip next week. I normally work until 9 Mon to Thursday. A longstanding patient calls up on Friday at noon asking if I can stay until after 5 pm so that his "form" can be filled out, as it is due tonight and he cannot leave work early. I don't even have office hours on Friday. long do you think that form has sat in his car?

    One patient also told my secretary that she thought it was "inappropriate" that I took a day off in October, as it was the height of flu season and it was the only day she could come in for her shot....


So wadda you think?