Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I'm Living in "Airplane"

This morning I ordered a few bottles of Botox.

Miss Waytoohappy: "Okay, Dr. Grumpy, that's 4 bottles of Botox, and we'll get this shipped out today! Would you like a confirmation number?"

Dr. Grumpy: "Sure, what is it?"

Miss Waytoohappy: "It's a number we give you that allows you to reference this order if there are any problems or questions."


  1. Just THINKING about "Airplane" makes me laugh. She did you a favor, don't you think?

  2. "...and don't call me Shirley!"

  3. Man, these people are writing your blog FOR you lately!

    ITA with Anonymous, just thinking about Airplane makes me smile.

  4. Ha!

    "A hospital? What is it?"

    I just watched "Airplane!" on the weekend after not having seen it in years.

    How I love Leslie Nielsen.

  5. "...looks like a BIG Tylenol!"...

  6. 'But that's not important right now.'

    So, does someone in the office like their coffee the way they like their men? :-)

  7. i've never seen Airplane! (maybe a small part) :( So I don't get your reference...i must see it now! i've heard it's quite funny!

  8. No, no, Oever's over Unger and Unger's over Dunn.

  9. "...it's a big building with patients..."

    I absolutely *love* that movie.

    BTW-I laughed so hard at this post that I have officially done my ab exercises for the night.

  10. But that's not important right now!

  11. I think it might be fruitless to ask if Dr Grumpy's ever seen a grown man naked ... But does he like to hang around the locker room after gym class?

    I get the reference number thing at my work all the time - I tell the Dr or nurse "the reference number is blah blah blah" and they say "what's that for?" Ugh ...

  12. That's SO funny!! Great movie!!

  13. Reading all these movie quotes brought it all back!! I'm lol just reading these again!!! I HAVE to go rent that movie again!!!

  14. Everyone beat me to the 'Airplane' comments lol

    And I was wondering about the botox Dr G but then I remembered your specialty. So I formally retract the botox comments before I make them. :D


So wadda you think?