Friday, January 15, 2010

End of the day

After rounds last night I got in the hospital elevator on my way to the parking lot. The only other person in it was a sweet-looking elderly lady, with a pleasant smile.

The doors closed, and she looked at me.

Mrs. Olde: "Excuse me, sir, but are you a doctor?"

Dr. Grumpy: "Umm, yes..."

Mrs. Olde: "Oh. Because that shirt makes you look like a pimp."


  1. You've got to post a photo of your pimp shirt!

  2. I didn't know the term "pimp" was a part of LOL vernacular.


  3. You better be of your colleagues might nominate you for TLC's What Not To Wear!

  4. hehehehee ... that made my night ... thanks :)

  5. Awwwww yeah! Did you tell Annie and Mary? I'm sure they'd be delighted to be your hos.

  6. Hahhaa! Old ladies rule! I agree that we need a photo of the shirt.

  7. Oh you just have to post a picture of that shirt. And I think you may have met my mother.

  8. Did you leave the house before Mrs. Grumpy approved your outfit?

  9. Wanna see the shirt, yo!

  10. That's awesome!! Never underestimate a sweet looking LOL!

  11. Ok, can you at least describe the shirt?

  12. Most male UK hospital doctors, paeds excepted, wear a fairly standard uniform of shirt, tie & suit. (Bow tie for the gynaecologists). There are some non evidence based rules about no wrist watch and short sleeved shirts in clinical areas. part of what you get when politicians micro-manage health services. You guys can expect that and worse!

    More than once, when in the hospital outwith normal working hours (normal for managers, that is) I was challenged by security when wearing jeans and a T-shirt. Security guys seem to have a particular trophism for Society for Forensic Toxicology meeting t-shirts.

    What I tell students is "when in contact with patients don't wear anything that would frighten your grandmother".

    But It would love to see a picture of the pimp shirt...

  13. I can just see Mrs Grumpy's "I told you so" face!

  14. I want to be that old lady someday, and say whatever I think without repercussions!! Awesome!!!

  15. Garanimals. Or are you too young to remember them?

  16. I remember them quite well. And they still make them, I believe.

  17. Hee.

    Tangentially - a friend who happened to be wearing a big studded leather jacket was asked on the subway "Why are you dressed like a rapist?"

    His reply? "I don't know. Whay are you dressed like a judgemental bitch?"

    Extra humor points for the fact that the guy in question is a slender super-queen who views anything violent or physically taxing as "girl's work".

  18. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE post a picture of that shirt!

  19. I can't. Patients and colleagues might recognize it.

  20. OK, this one made me spew generic diet cola onto my screen. Was Mrs. Grumpy impressed?

  21. Damn. I guess it's hard out there for a pimp. When he tryin to get this money for the rent. For the Cadillac and gas money's spent. And a whole lotta bitches jumpin ship.

  22. Terri- Mrs. Grumpy has NEVER been impressed with my fashion sense.

  23. I think little old lady needs a neuro consult because "beach scene" does NOT constitute "pimp clothes". That would be more like purple suit, white silk shirt, shiny tie, hat with feather...perhaps a cane as an accessory? And plenty of gold, including teeth. Yeah...that sounds about right. I think you are just fine, Dr. G.

  24. Grumpy,

    I remember you posted a picture of a purple wife-beater a while back....LOL.

  25. Were you wearing your Gangsta Ed Hardy T shirt again on rounds? I told you about that....

  26. that's hysterical... but we need to see a picture of the shirt!

  27. How about "Sorry to disappoint, but I can find one for you if you like."

  28. Are we talkin' "People of Walmart" pimp shirt, because Lord knows there are some wild ass outfits over THERE!


  29. "Don't tell my mother. She thinks I'm a neurologist. Say, you interested in making some extra bingo money?"

    When do we get to start reading your blog "Pimp Grumpy in the House?"

  30. Surely not a shiny polyester beach scene? Magnum P.I., Miami Vice Don Johnston or Do Ho never looked like pimps in the cocoanut grove. On the other hand, Barry Manilow might possibly have if he ever wore palm trees on lilac. Were you smelling like wild peaches tanning oil or unbuttoned to the waist?

  31. I love LOL's who say it like it is (unless I'm the target...).

    Are you serious that it's a beach scenes shirt? Really??? Something like this:

    I guess it's better than a "dogs playing poker" shirt (my husband bought one for fun...).

  32. Haha..that was hillarious! BTW...they definately still make Garanimals. They're the store brand for Walmart. I know b/c at every change of season, I make sure to stop by and buy one of each style from big table of $3-$5 shirts for the kiddos at Wal-Mart and Target...makes laundry much easier!!

  33. Does that qualify you for a makeover on "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy?"

    Come least a picture of the outfit, even if YOU are not wearing it!


So wadda you think?