Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Tuesday Morning Patient Quote

"Sometimes, when I really hurt, I stop breathing. I mean, like, for hours, literally. It hurts so bad I just stop breathing. After my car accident I went 2 weeks without breathing."


  1. OK, my brain hurts now.

  2. Oh NO she di'int! LOL

  3. I didn't realize you treated zombies!

  4. riiiight. like that can realistically happen

  5. How about thinking? Like my guess is you quit thinking years ago....

  6. What was your response? I'm always wondering...

  7. Perhaps, like with some turtles, they can breathe through their ass.

    Verificiation word: potti

  8. He should be referred to the US govt secret training services. Imagine how useful a spy who could hold his breath for 2 weeks could be! He could be sent into underwater locations, or into toxic gas clouds! Perfect.

  9. That's amazing! Is she a whale?

  10. People like that SHOULD stop breathing for a couple weeks.

  11. Why in heaven's name is this person seeing a neurologist since obviously, he/she doesn't have a working brain cell.

  12. I think that sounds incredibly sad

  13. I get patients in the hospital all the time that claim that their allergy to various drugs is death.

    I kid you not, one patient actually came in claiming to be allergic to metal, and said that the reaction was death. My first thought was "How many times did this patient died before they learned that they were allergic to all metals." The second thought was "How the hell is someone going to start an IV line... considering that the needles are all metal....

  14. Looks like somebody's getting a dictionary in their Christmas stocking this year.

  15. jesus

    I just got done reading today's entries in Google Reader from notalwaysright.com, and then came to this one.

    You should submit that, because it fits in perfectly.

  16. Hey, so she can stop breathing for two weeks? Big deal. Did you know I can stop my heart from beating? Yeah, that's right. I went three weeks, uh huh. Three. And this tin-foil on my head keeps out the alien death rays.

  17. And I'm a fanpire - but really - come on. . .

  18. wow! u've an amazing time out there... envy u!
    i hope my patients will entertain me like that. :))

  19. Hmmmm....time for a pulmonary consult....

  20. You know it is the full moon...

  21. It's very apparent that his lack of breathing has resulted in an anoxic brain injury.

  22. I'm with GB, RN.... can you say frontal lobe disconnection!!!!

    I once had a patient tell me her kids were allergic to WATER, because when she left them in the tub too long their skin would wrinkle!!! Try not to laugh at that one!!!

    Great post!
    KK, PA in OK

  23. I have heard of a child with an allergy to water - but the child got a bad rash/blisters, not just wrinkles.

    There was also a child with no tolerance for sunlight - even small amounts of the sun's rays made her skin blister. So she went out to play only at night, when the sun was down.

  24. Can't . . . write . . . comment . . . not . . . enough . . . air . . .


So wadda you think?