Saturday, December 26, 2009

December 26, 2009

Dr. Grumpy: "FRANK, CRAIG, MARIE GET IN HERE NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

(shifting feet, poor eye contact)

Dr. Grumpy: "Why on Earth are you all jumping on the trampoline, in cold weather, NAKED????"

"I told you we'd get in trouble!" "Well, it was your idea!" "Wuz not."

Dr. Grumpy: "ANSWER ME."

(quick glances back and forth)

"Um, they all fell off."

Dr. Grumpy: "I'm not stupid."

"No, really, we were jumping hard and the bouncing made them..."

Dr. Grumpy: "I said I'm not stupid."

"We were out on the trampoline and wanted to play dodge ball."

Dr. Grumpy: "So why were you all naked?"

"Because we didn't want to go find a ball, so we used our clothes to throw at each other."

Dr. Grumpy: "Do you have any idea how cold it is outside?"

"Yeah, um, but not until we were naked. Then it seemed pretty cold."

Dr. Grumpy: "Frank, where are your clothes?"

"Because Marie is a bad loser. After she lost, she threw my clothes over the fence."


  1. Oh, how I wish you would write a book!

  2. Baby, It's Cold OutsideDecember 26, 2009 at 5:25 PM

    I know that you state that everything in your blog is non-fiction real life...but...did you make that up?

    Granted, I don't know your kids, but that sounds a little far-fetched.

    Have you gone fictional, or is that for real?

  3. Hopefully the trampoline isn't viewable from the street...

    Now I remember why my husband and I never had kids. :-)

  4. That could have happened in my family if we had a trampoline when we were younger. Marie throwing her brother's clothes over the fence put the cherry on top of that sundae!

    There is a trampoline at my parents' house now -- for the grandkids. I am not giving them the idea to jump on it naked, as the next door neighbors might have a heart attack.

  5. Ah the joys of parenthood to look forward. At least you have creative children.

  6. They didn't mind being naked in front of one another? Ha! That's crazy! What a picture!

  7. This is what I love about your family...they are all every bit as amusing as you are.


    Your Marie is uite the little competeitor, ain't she?

    Thanks for sharing. Please delete this post as your kids approach their teen years...


  8. Baby, It's Cold Outside- No, I did not make this up. It is true. I didn't take any pictures, though.

  9. What are you doing, Grumps..raising nudeists?! LOVE your kids...what a funny story to tell at their wedding receptions!

  10. So you punished them to a week with no jumping on the trampoline and taking there clothes off?

  11. LMFAO!!! Remember what demented
    mom said about no coat? She would
    report you to DCF!! Get ready to splain!

    Only you!

  12. I think you need to keep this post and print it out at the graduation open houses in about a decade...

    Parenting. It's all about learning how to deeply embarrass the kiddos. ;)

    Love them!

  13. Gahahaha! I have three kids and this totally sounds like something they'd have done! xD

  14. Really... I think your offspring were nekkid and not naked.

    Naked implies without clothing, but for "traditional" (snicker, no reference to your last post) reasons like getting dressed or getting clean. However, nekkid implies that you've taken off your clothes and are somehow up to no good.

    Playing strip dodge-ball on the trampoline = NEKKID.

  15. lol! donna is so right--that crazy coat lady would've called 911 if she'd seen them. sounds like you've got some warm-blooded kids who might not need clothing. perhaps they're more evolved than the rest of us? :-)

  16. Too funny.

    When I was about 8 yrs old (we lived in the boonies), I complained to my mother about having to wear my shirt while my brothers could get by with not having to wear their shirts in summer when it was hot. My mother gently explained that was just the way it was, and as oldest girl I had to avoid the ringleader effect, as well. Boys had all the fun at that age! It sounds, though, that no one felt compelled to ask ahead of time whether they could jump on the trampoline without their shirts or other garments.

    However, however, in December when I was a kid, snow was up to the eaves (could slide off the pitched roof), so jumping naked probably wouldn't have been an issue unless we lived near a hot springs;)

  17. I so love Marie! This plus flushing the cell phone...what a great kid!

  18. I'm getting a virus warning from your site. It appears to be coming from one of the ads featured here. Just thought I'd let you know.

  19. Kids here at the farm (California, no snow)got a trampoline last Christmas and exactly the same thing happened.
    Maybe I should apply for a grant from the Gummint for a study?

  20. Your kids are wonderful! Creative, spontaneous, competitive, and strong.

    What else could a parent want?!?! Well, sure, maybe an adult-sense of modesty? ...but that will come. No worries.

    Thanks for sharing, Dr. G.

  21. I guess it's a little late for the "dancing naked for the winter solstice" argument?

  22. Clearly a demonstration of their brilliance: the clothes must have created excess friction and drag, hence creating an inverse clothes-fun relationship. Why not just get them some of those NASA-designed full-body swimsuits our Olympians wear and applaud their commitment to fluid dynamics?

  23. @Anonymous - Dec 26, 8:30 pm

    I know what you mean - I used to get in trouble all the time for taking my shirt off when playing in the summer. The neighbours were quite scandalized but didn't usually say anything. Hey, at least I kept my panties on when we went swimming.

    I blame my parents. When we were even younger, they used to throw us girls into the bathtub with the neighbour boys when we all trooped in covered in mud after a hard day of playing.

    And then they took pictures of us all in the tub together. :-D

  24. What did you neighbours say?! LOL

  25. How old are your kids exactly? ;)

  26. I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesn't bat an eye at anything his kids come up with. We've given my daughter what we lovingly call her "Indian name." She is referred to in our home as: "Rides bike with eyes closed."

    When she received her first "big girl" bike, she thought it would be fun to ride down our driveway with her eyes closed. We live in the country and have large lawn mowers called horses. So, we have barbed wire on either side of our fairly wide driveway. One day, she decided it would be fun to try and ride her bike down the driveway with her eyes closed. I don't think I need to paint a picture of what followed.

    I have to give her credit. She never cried. Never shed a tear. She just came in the house with a big gash on her thigh and said in her proudest voice, "Hey, mommy, look what I did!"

    There at the top of her right thigh was a gash about 4 inches long and 1/2 inch deep. I almost fainted. Some nine years later, she still wears her scar proudly.

    All hail parenthood!!!

  27. Sounds like they are free spirits...not bogged down by rules and regulations...yet. Too bad you didn't take pictures for later years...however..just bringing up the story when they are teens will mortify them.

  28. I can easily see my daughter thinking this up. She thinks naked is the way to be.

  29. I would say they come by their creativity honestly. The Grumpy Parents have interesting years ahead!

  30. As soon as I read this, it reminded me of my older sister and brother. When they were young my mom caught them outside playing without their clothes. They told mom that the wind blew them off. That story cracks us up to this day. Yep kids really do that!!


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