Thursday, December 10, 2009

Dear CVS Caremark,

If your specialty pharmacy mail-order branch is handling my patients' potentially dangerous injectable drugs, it would give me (not to mention them) A LOT more confidence if you knew how to spell your own job title.

(click to enlarge)

Yerz trooly,

Dokter Grumpy.


  1. Seems somebody at Caremark has been reading LOLZ on the job. Sure looks like catspeak to me! ;-) (

  2. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! That is classic!!!!

  3. AH! I just mailed in an RX to CVS Caremark... I will double check the label and contents when my new drug arrives...

    my word verificatiaon is failerr


  4. Particularly since the word is spelled correctly about one inch away.

  5. Caremark. Ick. Last thing I want is more paperwork between me and my drugs!

  6. Some people underestimate the art of proofreading one's own work. *sigh*

  7. is that comic sans????

  8. My company is run by morons

  9. "My company is run by morons" Plus 10 brazillion. Don't forget the petty tyrants.

  10. and now that CareMark has merged with CVS they're making people on CareMark insurance use a CVS pharmacy OR switch to mail order otherwise they won't pay for patients' prescriptions. I'm still wondering if this is legal maybe we can find spelling errors in their documents so they we can help our patients have more options.

  11. Oh, my wonderful employer. Thanks for making the world a better place. And by better, I mean illiterate.

  12. Heh, couple of weeks ago after a rather brutal CalcII exam I went through my mail and found a semi-transparent envelope from the University of Phoenix.

    Brain barely functioning when asked where it was from I replied "The University of Phig-nix"

    Now, 'tis a running gag, to me, if no one else.

  13. And maybe did not use such a childish font. A font that should be banned across America.


So wadda you think?