Monday, November 30, 2009

Thanks, I Didn't Think of That

I sent a patient to physical therapy for his back pain a few weeks ago.

The therapy place sent over a summary note on him just now.

It ended with this line:

"Recommendation: Patient was told not to do things that make his back hurt."


  1. Somebody has to do the obvious joke.

    (It's not one of my favorites, either.)

  2. As a current PT student I weep. Loudly.

  3. That's pretty much what my orthopedist told me. And yes, I was just about that pissed off.

  4. On the other hand I was being seen at a rapid care clinic and diagnosed with the flu. I am a pharmacist and am still breastfeeding they didnot want to give me tamiflu unless I stopped breastfeeding. My sons pediatrician treated me instead....

  5. "Thank you, Captain Obvious!"

  6. Can't go wrong with a recommendation like that!

  7. My OB pretty much told me the same thing when I was pregnant and pulled a muscle chasing a run away toddler "Don't do that again". Then, the next pregnancy, I had a terrible arthritis flare up. Every visit he said: "Don't do so much". I got concerned when, near the end, he expanded "Don't do so much. Take it easy". LOL.


So wadda you think?