Monday, November 2, 2009

Product Testimonial

I saw a 62 year old guy this afternoon with diabetic nerve pain, which is controlled on the medication Neurontin.

Dr. Grumpy: "Fred, the last time you were here, in June, your wife was complaining that the Neurontin made you irritable. How has that been going?"

Fred: "It's fine now. I left her."

Dr. Grumpy: "Uh, you what?"

Fred: "Well, she told me it was either her or the Neurontin, and I decided I liked Neurontin better."


  1. What was the look on your face when he said this?

  2. *jaw dropping laughter*

  3. Wow. That must be really good stuff.

  4. Wow, thanks for that one--beautiful.

  5. ok. i'm delurking to say that reading your blog is the highlight of my day! i just read all your archives. i work on a tele floor, so *naturally* we get every single neuro problem that walks in the hospital doors. they seem to have they're own special category...

  6. You are going to report this adverse event to MedWatch, aren't you?

    I'd love to see it on the patient handout. "May cause dizziness, blurred vision, separation from irritating spouse or partner..."

  7. Whoa, Nelly! That sounded like it wasn't too difficult of a decision. The 'irritability' of gabapentin shouldn't have affected cerebral cortex.

  8. I just can't help but LOL about this one. I have to say I've never heard of such a thing....

    Just wanted you to know that I visit Dr. Grumpy-land every day, but for some reason can't comment from my too slow crackberry. (especially loved your 20 yr reunion letter)

  9. i feel the same way about aspirin.

  10. I'm not exactly sure if I consider that a positive or negative comment... "neurontin; it's better than your spouse!"

  11. I don't know why people make such sarcastic comments about senior moments.

    Signed a 65 year old guy.

  12. That sounds like some joke about marriage some oldie might tell. I didn't know people actually said that stuff! Haha, funny though.

  13. Dude is probably better off without her.

    Just hope Mrs. Grumpy doesn't make you choose between her and the diet coke.

  14. Wow...can you get me some of that, Grumps?

  15. Still laughing... would have liked to see the look on the wife's face when he announced his decision.

  16. Pharmacist says "LOL so hard I almost peed my pants and the people in the pharmacy looked at me like I was on some good drugs," but alas, no neurontin for me :) Love your blog Grumps!!

  17. Interesting. my better half says she prefers me on escitalopram, asleep half the time, than off it, unhappy & grumpy. I hope she's joking.

  18. Well, neurontin never gives him any grief I imagine.

  19. Having a spouse with debilitating neuropathy once misdiagnosed as Cape Syndrome who takes neurontin (and getting to witness the marked difference in his agony) I have to say... I'd pick the Neurontin, too!


So wadda you think?