Saturday, November 7, 2009

Not Helpful, Either

From a lady I'm seeing at the hospital today, trying to get a list of what she's taking:

"I take that store-brand medicine. It's for a runny nose, or cough, or allergies, something like that. You know what I mean, all the stores have it."


  1. You don't know? And you call yourself a doctor...

  2. You know! It's that little white pill, or maybe it's a yellow caplet, no I use that one for my allergies, but it could be used for a runny nose if it was really a problem. I gave it to my dog once when he kept slobbering all the time. No, that was the blue tablet that the vet gave me. Well, I took it once and it worked for me. And, I gave it to the little girl that delivers the paper one time. Actually, that was the round red coated tablet I had in my pocket at the time--oh, yea, those were M&Ms. Well, you know! Don't you or your wife use when raking leaves at this time of year?

  3. Oh! I'm on that one too. It's little and comes in a container... :P

  4. She's probably the one that decides what the best thing is for her, walks up to the pharmacist's counter and asks if it's what she needs. Pharmacist tells her a better recommendation, she sticks with her first choice regardless.

    Comes back next week with the same problem...


  5. That's as good as "I need to refill my little white heart pill." or "My doc told me to pick up a vitamin, but I can't remember what it was called." And after asking a dozen clarifying questions, "I thought you were a pharmist (yes, pharmist). You're useless."

  6. Such an informative person. I bet she also takes that prescription pill for Cholesterol or Blood Pressure or something like that...

  7. You should have told her that medication is contraindicated when taken with stupid pills.

  8. Oh yes, that one. You know it, right? I know it. So you must know it too, being a doctor and all that.

  9. Come ON, doc, you know what she means. She started taking it the same time as that pink heart pill and that white one for her high blood.

    Pattie, RN

  10. Heh. It was probably orange and round. Or was it a white oval? Heck, for all you know, it could have been purple and diamond-shape.

  11. "Uhhh, Rock and Roll Doctor, like, I had these, um, pills, and I took them, I think, and, um, like, do you know what they were, man?"

  12. Aisle 5!!!! (Even Australians know that one).

    Or more commonly "I don't know, why don't you look it up?"

  13. My personal favorite response to "what do you take for pain?" is: "I take equate"


So wadda you think?