Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Not a Good Sign

On today's schedule, my first patient of the day is listed as "Mrs. Ancient, referred for memory loss".

I look in the lobby. She's out there, holding a magazine upside down. And she has her bra on outside her shirt.


  1. Dr Grumpy, I have never in my life laughed about Alzheimers until I started reading your blog. It runs pretty prevalently in my family, and my grandpa (and the rest of us) had an terrible time with it in the year before he died.

    It's still one of the cruellest diseases I can imagine, but you've actually taken some of the terror and sadness out of it for me. So, thanks.

    I hope if I wind up at the doctor's office with my bra outside my shirt one day, there will be someone there who can laugh about it.

  2. Okay, who the hell drove this poor woman? (praying she didn't drive herself)

    Was she that combative that getting the bra back under her shirt would be impossible?

    LD50 Rat

  3. That bra outside the clothes look is so 80s.

    Oh wait...she's IN her 80s.



  4. That's one of those "doorway diagnosis" cases we always talk about.

  5. You can laugh, or you can cry ~ I prefer laughing...

    Just wondering if you had seen this... http://www.cnn.com/2009/HEALTH/11/24/coma.man.belgium/index.html

  6. What IS IT with the bra on over the shirt?

  7. I loved your comment, Helen. I don't have anything to add except - what a great poster!

  8. At least she remembered to put the bra on, that's something, isn't it?? :)

    Yep, doorway Dx

    (btw my captcha word was 'tubiti' - kinda poignant LOL)

  9. But she's having fun, right? And adding to ours!

  10. God love her heart. I was my mom's care giver for 12 years through every stage of Alz. and there are times when you do have to laugh or you will shoot yourself. mom came out of her room more than once with her underwear on, over top of her slacks.

    It is concerning though that your patient was at this appt. by herself? How does she get there and get herself back home? I assume she was alone because if someone were with her they would not have allowed that to happen.

  11. I have to ask...what do you say in a situation, if anything? It's gotta be touchy...you don't want to pile a load of shame on during a moment of lucidity, but hmmm...I dunno...when I forget to zip up, I always appreciate the kind strager who gives me a heads up!

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So wadda you think?