Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Mary's Desk, November 10, 2009

Mary: "Dr. Grumpy's office, this is Mary."

Mr. Veefdubya: "I need to make an appointment to see the doctor."

Mary: "Okay, we can see you tomorrow, or..."


Mary: "Um, yes, sir."

Mr. Veefdubya: "That's unbelievable! And disrespectful! And rude!"

Mary: "I'm sorry, sir, we..."

Mr. Veefdubya: "It's a national holiday! You should be at a parade! Or cemetery! Or a nursing home! You should be honoring and thanking the veterans who sacrificed for our freedom! I'm a veteran, and I'm personally offended that you're open on Wednesday!"

Mary: "I'm sorry, sir, and thank you for serving. Would you like to come in Thursday instead?"

Mr. Veefdubya: "No, tomorrow is fine. I don't have anything else planned. What time should I be there?"


  1. I think the only answer to something like that, is a deep, prolonged, dumb-founded silence. Followed by, "I'm sorry, the doctor no longer accepts your insurance."

  2. When sensibilities attack!


  3. I have no words....oh well, it doesn't really matter, because I totally overcome with hysterical laughter.

  4. Silly guy...he'll be an amusing old patient :)

  5. I once worked at a video store, and told a (very big) man his rentals were due back the Fourth of July.
    "You're open that day?" he demanded.
    "Yes, sir, we're open 365 days a year."
    "Who rents on the 4th of July? I'm bringing a gun."

    I called in sick.

  6. It's called "outrage" not "inrage". Get it?

  7. you need to see him ASAP.... I was going to type something about giving him a diagnosis, but crazy is the new normal these days, isn't it?

  8. Well, shame on me, but I totally forgot at 11.00, and I never have before. I feel ashamed - but that's personal and how many people in offices do just the same? The man's a moron!

  9. When I worked in a Grocery store in London, the cashier supervisor would get on the tannoy (PA system) at the appointed time and request that everyone stand quietly for 2 minutes in remembrance. Some customers did, some didn't..... at least I never heard of any customers talking.

  10. I sure am glad my pediatrician was open today, veterans day or not, its only my 4TH vist this week for one of my kids.....I'm gonna have to send lunch to the staff again soon...

  11. Good grief. But if you aren't open "why aren't you open and helping those poor sick people! Its unpatriotic!"
    Clearly neurologists are the 5th column of the Other Side.


So wadda you think?