Saturday, November 28, 2009

Friday Night, 10:35 p.m.

"Hi, I saw Dr. Grumpy in 2007 or so, and had hurt my neck back then, and physical therapy helped. Anyway, I hurt it today carrying a bunch of boxes that my wife just HAD to get on Black Friday, and some asshole pushed me out of the way in the Wal-Mart toy section, and so I'd like to get some more therapy. It's hurting a lot right now, and I thought maybe there was a 24-hour therapy place you could send me to. Also, my internist said I'm due for a cholesterol panel, and something else to check my liver because I take a pill for my cholesterol, it's one with a long name, and maybe you could order those labs for me, too."


  1. The perils of shopping on Black Friday...

  2. "While you're at it could you schedule me an appointment at Jiffy Lube?"
    Triple up on your Rosuvastatin, the cramps will keep your mouth from flapping.

  3. 24 hour physiotherapy?

    Sounds like a business opportunity. For vampires. I'll get mine right on it.


So wadda you think?