Wednesday, October 7, 2009

This is Not Helpful

Look, folks. I understand that your back pain started sometime during your 6 week "Drive our big-ass RV all over the damn country across 28 states and 5000 miles trip."

However, without a clearer idea of WHEN you were WHERE, or having an idea of your intinerary, telling me things like "the problem started in Georgia, though maybe it was there in Ohio, and was definitely worse by Texas" is NOT a lot of help.


  1. "Why didn't you tell me before that you were in Darwin, Minnesota? This is a clear-cut case of Twine Ball Syndrome!"

  2. Sounds like the Docs of House need to investigate this....

    As Always

  3. Whenever I do something that hurts my back i don't feel the pain immediately. It's always a day or so after and I have to think really hard to remember what the heck I've been doing. So when I go to the doctor he'll say "how did this happen? What were you doing to cause this?", and I'll be saying "I don't know".

  4. Was that when they went off-road through a creek bed, or maybe when they ran out of gas and had a mile hike to the nearest station? Could it have been that time when the sanitary disposal was full in the Oklahoma campground so that night they slept outside, and he found he'd been sleeping on an exposed blackjack oak root, or the time when they stopped at McDonald's and got out to do a number 2 and slipped on some ketchup on the floor coming out of restroom, or could it be when they had a flat and the rim was stuck and they didn't have a crowbar so had to use a tire iron which required a little more workout, or was that when the engine simply wouldn't turn over and had to get out and push a few blocks, or maybe when they ran out of heating fuel oil and it got cold that night and they were short on blankets and he gave up his piece for a little peace so his back was chilled, or could it have been that time when they were crossing Kansas behind a funeral for 7 miles, and the hearse turned one way, and he gunned the engine and was stopped the state troopers on the way out of town and was asked to pull out registration and in his enthusiasm twisted his back trying to remove it from the dash pocket? Or was it the time when he stepped out to get a better shot of black bears..or...?

  5. It it's Tuesday, this must be Belgium.

  6. As long as he didn't hurt his . . .

    Wait for it . . .

    . . . back in the USSR.

    You don't know how lucky you are, boy.

    Jeez, I crack myself up.


So wadda you think?