Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Thank You!

I'd like to personally thank the reader who was kind enough to come by today to bring me a bottle of Diet Coke with a packet of Sweet-N-Low.

Forgive me for not mixing them together in front of you...


  1. Your becoming like a cult leader, with your followers defending you, and even delivering gifts!!! Hail Dr. Grumpy!!!!

  2. I am glad you took it the way it was intended! It was nice meeting you! Don't forget, I am still hire able! :-)

  3. I'm impressed that someone figured out who (and where) you are.

    I didn't know you were hiring. Shall I forward my resume?

  4. She's a friend of Mary's. Had inside knowledge.

    And I ain't hiring. Mary is MINE! MY SECRETARY! BACK OFF, VULTURES!

  5. Oh darn, I got all excited that a stranger reader outed you too.

  6. Okay Dr. G. Calm down there... I'm not after Mary or Mary's job.

    ...although, if Annie needs a vacation I could make myself available if I'm not having brain surgery that week.


So wadda you think?