Saturday, October 3, 2009


Glancing through a pile of old journals, articles, magazines, etc. while sitting outside watching the kids play.

Found this great article.

So now, just so you know, marijuana CAN impact your thinking process. In case you hadn't figured that out already.

(click to enlarge)


  1. How do you feel about it , for cancer patients. Just wondering.

    signed, mm

  2. Was this, like, the docs involved were under pressure and needed something to publish in a journal, so they decided to submit this? And it was peer reviewed and subsequently published? For real? Or is this like a joke journal or something?

  3. Okay, so 3 things:
    1. Love the specific title, it totally gives them the option of a follow up with chocolate brownies and peanut butter cookies. Because they need the double dissociation, right?
    2. This was from 2006? They missed relevancy by about 30 years.
    3. "Accidental ingestion"? Uh huh...sure.

  4. It's a real journal. CNS Spectrums.

    I suspect one of those things where someone is under pressure to publish something.

  5. lol, I distinctly remember stopping to visit my neighbor Shirley on the way to class back in 1972. We ate brownies, I ended up in El Centro, missed the turn to San Diego State. Also missed Epistemology, no great loss...

  6. You gotta love those Brazilian cookies. I hope they keep them away from the Olympians.

  7. Doc, I was sincerely hoping you were going to say it was a joke journal....

  8. 2 weeks?!?! Did they, like, eat the rest of the cookies and, like, totally space on discharging the patient?

  9. I don't know who should feel more ashamed... the researchers who decided to play captain obvious or the publishers who printed their article. 2005 was not that long ago.

    Love how 2 SEPARATE professors decided to slap their name on the paper too. Guess Dr. Aqua-Net thought he'd get in on the action and toss some of the patient's pee in the gas chromatography machine. I can only imagine what the conversation was like between those two professors.

  10. Are we in a time warp? I still can't understand why grass is not legal...

  11. haha two weeks! jeeze what was in that cookie? Maybe it was :

  12. I tried to do this many times in undergrad, probably around the biochem year. I do not think it is possible.

    That said, some psychodude is going to chime in with his opinion that pot can trigger schizophrenia blah blah blah.

    I am with Classof65 and Halsted on this one.

  13. @cynic

    psychodude here...actually pot CAN...
    ummm...anybody got a Snickers bar? Or maybe some Doritos?

  14. These studies drive me nuts...the time and money spent studying these things is stunning. I wanna know how much dough was spent on determining that potato chips are bad for you: “Chronic Intake of Potato Chips in Humans Increases the Production of Reactive Oxygen Radicals by Leukocytes and Increases Plasma C–Reactive Protein: A Pilot Study,” The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, March 2009

    Hmmm...there are families foreclosing on their homes, unable to get basic health care and someone thought this was a good way to spend money. ARRRRRGGGHHHH!!!


So wadda you think?