Saturday, October 17, 2009

On Call Follies

Dr. Grumpy (starting to look through a chart): "Why did they consult neurology on this guy?"

Nurse: "He had a seizure this morning. Dr. Stevens came by an hour ago, and thought it was from the antibiotic."

Dr. Grumpy: "Hmmm... Why is he in the hospital in the first place?"

Nurse: "Dr. Stevens? Uh, I think he was making rounds."


  1. hee hee - sounds like something i'd say just to piss off someone!

  2. Rumack: You'd better tell the Captain we've got to land as soon as we can. This woman has to be gotten to a hospital.

    Elaine: A hospital? What is it?

    Rumack: It's a big building with patients, but that's not important right now.

  3. Haha, awesome!

    You know, with the doctors you always talk about.. she may have had to answer that exact question before and just did it out of habit, lol.


  4. Anon- Yeah, I thought of calling the post "I am serious, and don't call me Shirley."

  5. Or she could have said,"hospital?!"

    and you could have replied, "Yes, it's a big building with patients in it,but that's not important right now".

  6. I'm definitely making the right career choice to be a Dental Hygienist rather than a nurse than right? Because I just don't know that I would be able to handle that. I have little patience for dull knives.....

  7. What is scary is that the nurse thinks she answered your question and was being helpful.

  8. The scary state of nursing care in hospitals these days....As a nurse, isn't it part of her job to know....(just my thoughts as a nurse)

  9. Kim, yes. You'll be thinking "open your mouth and shut up!!" a lot, but dental hygienist is an excellent career choice.

  10. She was probably nervous to talk to you, Grumpy, because OMG you're a DOCTOR! SCARY!

  11. Yeah, that's right!

    These doctors and the questions they ask.

    Seriously, what did you expect Dr. Stephens to be doing at the hospital? Playing golf?

  12. I'm afraid Nurse K's got it right.


So wadda you think?