Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Do I Look Like the Shell Answer Man?

Dr. Grumpy: "Any other questions about this medication?"

Mr. Irritant: "No, but my wife and I were looking into adopting a child from Guatemala. Do you know how I'd reach their embassy for more information?"


  1. That's funny! You're the doc, you are suppose to know everything, right?

  2. How do you keep a straight face all day?

  3. You should've told him to ask his auto mechanic since his auto mechanic is qualified to give medical advice to him.

  4. You can not say medicine is boring--the people are fascinating!! Strange, but fascinating.

  5. Maybe they didn't want the hassle of going through official channels. Do you look like the kind of person who deals in young children?

  6. Aw, come on. You're a doctor. You know EVERYTHING!!!

  7. How on earth do you refrain from giving serious-sounding, smart-alack answers that sound correct but are in fact completely facetious. It sounds like the crowd you are dealing with wouldn't catch the sarcasm- I'd be soooo tempted.

  8. Tell him to dial 1-800-277-4653 for directions. That's 1-800-asshole.

  9. Gee, does he think your name is Dr Google?

  10. ok you win, you do attract the real wierdos. love your blog, i thought i was the only one with odd patients...

  11. Sometimes medications have unexpected positive side effects. Think of the discovery of penicillin.

    Perhaps this medication facilitates adoption and transportation of children from Central America.

    Are you sure the label does not list under cautions: Appearance of children named Jose and Maria

  12. I get calls all the time asking me for their doctor's phone number? I am the info man, I guess. My only clue as to why is because so many people no longer have land lines, and they don't receive a phone book with a cell phone only. I KNOW it's not because they are too lazy to look the number up, right??? Nah, that couldn't be it.

  13. What did the Shell answer man do? Other than advertise the viscosity of motor oil and help perpetuate a gasoline feeding frenzy?

    He wasn't anything like the Texaco's Torkild Rieber, was he? (One can only fill their noggins with so much useless opera trivia, unless there's arrangement for a permanent box at Met. In grade school we listed to taped and retaped heavily static-overlaced Metropolitan Opera Radio Hour once a week. Wagner was probably featured if Rieber had anything to do with it.)

    The Marlboro man lived in a neighboring town. We were proud of this native son, that is, until we saw where there still seemed to be some debate by FDA about how much truth to reveal in the Surgeon General's warning, and we realized that maybe, just maybe there might be a connection between illness and close proximity of the etiological agent.

    P-M is still in on the deal with a little global worry about the bottom line so released an monitoring website to determine the impact of national bans: www.productdisplayban.com. Who was their rep? Surely tobacco (smokeless) and gasoline wouldn't be in cahoots?

  14. I work at a hospital switchboard and you'd be amazed at the random shit I'm expected to know, very little of which actually falls within my job description.


So wadda you think?