Thursday, September 24, 2009

Too Much Information

It's my job to make up the schedule for my call group every 3 months. So, it's that time again.

On Monday I e-mailed the other docs I share call with, asking what weekends/holidays they don't want to be on call for next quarter. So their requests have been coming over the fax.

The last one showed up this morning, neatly typed up by Dr. Brain's secretary.

It said:

"Dr. Brain says he wants to get off on the weekends of October 17, November 8, and December 19."


  1. LOL, it took me a second, but I got it. lol!

  2. Thats so nice he shared that with his secretary and you!

  3. I hear that Carly Simon song "Anticipation" playing in the background.

  4. Who *doesn't* want to get off on those days?

  5. Dr. Brain isn't the spontaneous type, eh?

  6. So Dr. Brain has to ask Dr Grumpy for permission to get off? Wow... you physicians have strict rules.

  7. maybe, as a dedicated neurologist, he gets off on seeing patients at 2 AM.

  8. Once a month - very low expectations.

    Either he's very old or very tired. . . I'm just sayin'

  9. His wife/partner/significant other will be happy he's got him/her/it "pencilled in".

    Ain't love grand?

  10. I once read a European science fiction story called Plutoday It had nothing to do with the "planet" Pluto.

    A young man has a one night stand with a very attractive upper class young woman. As they part, he asks, "When can I see you again?"

    As she darts out the door, she airily calls, "I will meet you here on Plutoday."

    After much investigation, he discovers that the wealthy, upper-class secret rulers of the world have an extra day of the week that the rest of us poor schleps don't get. The lady, not all that bright, thought the young man was a member of her class. He spends the rest of the story trying to figure out how he can access Pluto (plutocrat) day, but never solves the puzzle and never finds the girl that he had lost.

    Just tell the other doctors that you will cover Plutoday for them. It is fairly obvious that at least some of your colleagues are intelligence-challenged; you might be able to pull it off.

  11. Well, at least he's got a plan, right?

  12. Oh my goodness. It took me a full day and actually LOOKING at the calender before I got the "get off" bit. And I thought I was clever :-p Good one!

  13. In all honesty, guys:

    1. I have no idea if Dr. Brain knows that his secretary writes it that way (or he does, and she just copies it).

    2. If they even realize the joke at his office (but we sure love it here).

    3. If his secretary does it as a joke that she knows he'll never catch.

  14. Maybe, it was a prescription request.

  15. I must be having a brain fart!
    I still don't get it...HELP?
    I looked on my cal. but holidays
    arent't this a holiday
    weekend? Please put me out of
    my misery! BTW Remember brain
    fart people!

  16. Anon- consider the slang meaning of the phrase "get off"...


So wadda you think?