Monday, September 28, 2009

Thank You for Calling

"Hi, I think I saw Dr. Grumpy, or some doctor who knows him, at the hospital. It was either this weekend or last weekend. I was there for a stroke, or a headache, or something like that. Anyway, could someone please call me back to tell me if I need to see the doctor again? Also, if you guys know what hospital I was at, I want to know that too. Thank you."

And, of course, no name or phone number was left.


  1. So glad our office doesn't have voice mail...although, then I could get away with laughing while listening to the insane ramblings of patients instead of holding it in or putting them on hold to roll on the floor.

  2. Do you ever feel like you're trapped in a Eugene Ionesco play?

  3. A stroke, a headache, a guided tour, a blind date, a job interview, a government survey...
    don't you or that doctor you know have that sort of thing written down somewhere?

  4. That happens to us also.."Hi I need that refill today not tomorrow"...ok WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT RX ARE YOU REFERRING TO.

    or.."Can you call me when that prescription I just punched in is ready?" NO NAME, NO NUMBER...

  5. A stroke or a headache or something? Crikey! She doesn't even remember what she had, no wonder she can't remember which hospital or doctor.........

  6. Clearly, you are the Psychic Neurologist...

    You need to get new business cards.


  7. An amnesia patient who needs a caretaker, big time?


So wadda you think?