Saturday, September 5, 2009

Saturday, 4:59 pm

"Hello, this is Mrs. Bimbo, leaving a message for Dr. Grumpy. I'm catching up on my to-do list today, and you guys had called me on August 17, 2009 at 2:17 pm. I don't remember what the message was that you left, so I'd like a call back today to tell me what it concerned and if there was an emergency you needed to discuss with me. Thank you."


  1. She'd like a call back today? Well good for her! I'd like a new car and a tall single male in his late twenties with a decent job and concept of personal hygiene to sweep me off my feet, but I'm sure as heck not bothering people on a holiday weekend to try to get it! Apparently this one doesn't own a calendar...

  2. Too many people are in their own world.. galaxies away. Most days I don't know whether to laugh or cry when confronted by these gifts from god.

  3. Wonder when she has time to get her groceries?

    Checking of your to-do list from Aug 17 just now? Yikes.

  4. So who is at fault when patients have poor outcomes? It's not like the patient has any control over how they do...

  5. "Yes, Mrs. Bimbo, we called to tell you that you had exactly 22 days to live. Enjoy your day."


So wadda you think?