Thursday, September 17, 2009

Helpful Radiology Results

This report came over the fax today:

"Impression: When compared to the previous study of January, 2009, the right carotid artery stenosis has significantly worsened and is entirely unchanged."


  1. I think we have the same radiologist reading our films here!

    KK, PA in OK

  2. Wow! That's crystal clear. Thanks for your help Mr. Radiologist.

  3. When you see how much cooler this year's models of right carotid artery stenoses are than last year's, you'll understand.

  4. Reminds of the Simpsons when Ralph asks, "Me fail english? That's unpossible!"

  5. Wow, is this the definition of contradiction? Thanks for the help doc, should we maybe try a cardiology consult? Maybe carotid endarterectomy? Thanks for the great picture, this really helps out my neurology treatment plan. Hope my patient's carotid plaque doesn't break off a little, and cause an embolic (TACI)!! Then uh oh, did I tell you thanks again "Dr" for the "great diagnostic" test you did?

  6. Hmmph. The shadow doctors strike again. Do you have a choice of radiologist?

  7. And was this followed by "cannot rule out" and then a litany of diagnoses that should have been ruled out??

  8. I'm sure his bill reflected his brilliance.

  9. My bet's on speech rec software not "hearing" that little word "not" between has and significantly.

  10. What is the radiologist's favorite plant ?

    The hedge.

    What is the radiologist's favorite breakfast food?

    The waffle.

  11. I think his favorite breakfast must certainly be weed. His favorite plant? Points to weed :)I think the person that says "ding fries are done" at Burger King could have came up with a better impression; but hell i'm an optimist ;)

  12. He must be slipping - he left out the part that says "correlate clinically" [sic].


So wadda you think?