Thursday, August 13, 2009

You Don't Say!

I always ask patients if they've changed any of their other docs since I last saw them. I think it's important they get my letter, so we all know what each other is doing. Good communication is good for patients, and in this age people change docs often.

So I asked that question of a lady in her 50's today.

She said: "I'm seeing a new Gynecologist. I don't remember her name. She specializes in women."

Best kind, I guess.


  1. Well, as opposed to the kind that specialized in sea gerbils but choose to practice on women.

  2. Think people...think!

    Just a question, do you ever let loose and just laugh at these people?

  3. LOL! it always amazes me how many people forget the names of their doctors and the names of the meds they are on (I do medical transcription and hear this so many times)

    it must be hard to keep a straight face when you hear something like this


  4. As opposed to the other kind, right?

  5. She does?
    ::thumbs up to her::

  6. Theresa and Corgi- No, I don't. It's hard, but you learn to keep a straight face.

  7. *note to self... dont forget to check dr grumpy's blog... it will make me feel better after my horrible day.

  8. Can't forget the name of my OB/GYN as he lives just down the street from me. I didn't realize this until after the first time I saw him. It was on Halloween, and later that evening I ran into him in the neighborhood trick-or-treating with his kids! He recognized me, even with all my clothes on!

  9. Well, my OB/GYN is part of the "Doctors for Women" group here in Nashville so I'd say specializing in women might actually be relevant if I couldn't remember her name?

  10. I think that the point is that all OB/GYN's specialize in women, men don't have the needs for their specialized services.

    Telling someone that your GYN specializes in women is like telling someone your plumber specializes in pipes.

  11. Hmm, does this mean I can add men to my patient load?

  12. sea gerbils - that's hilarious - as long as they're female sea gerbils :)


So wadda you think?