Friday, August 21, 2009

WTF? Friday Patient Freakshow

Dr. Grumpy: "Did you have any other questions, Mrs. Brown?"

Mrs. Brown: "Yes, Doctor, just one. Is it normal for me to be able to stick a Q-tip this far up my nose?" (whips out a Q-tip, shoves it up nose until it disappears)



  1. Okay, so what would have made this patient try this in the first place??? Why the need to demonstrate???

    I know you don't know the answers to these questions.

  2. Noooooo! My nose weeps at the thought. I am interested to know how she discovered that particular party trick though!

  3. This must have been one of those neuro patients who are really more of a psych case...

  4. So, what did you tell her, Dr. Grumpy? I was always curious of people's uncanny ability to stick q-tips far up their nostrils.

  5. Give a pencil and a new pencil sharpener and she could treat her prolactinoma herself.......

  6. Honestly laughing out loud!

    ...I hope she brought it back out.

    Reminds me of a patient from a long ago student nurse job on a neuro floor. They had to do some sort of trans-cranial surgery on this lovely young woman who had crammed so many q-tips so far into her ear (I think the long wooden kind, not the standard issue bathroom kind) that they could not be removed any other way. Of course there was infection too.

    Please tell us she brought it back out!

  7. That's flipping AWESOME!


    You do attract the wierdos, that's for sure.

  8. Yeah, she brought it back out. And put it in her purse, I assume to take to the next doctor, or cocktail party, or reality show, or whatever.

    I told her to ask an ENT.

  9. Oh that hurts just thinking about it!

  10. my eyes are watering just thinking about really have some winner patients don't ya!

  11. eeeewwwwww! the most disturbing part is that she put the Q-Tip back in her purse...ackkkkk!

  12. I wonder how she found out she could do that?

    Just one more reason I believe in Natural Selection. This is exactly how the dinosaurs dies off.

  13. Seriously, WTF? Why would anyone, not high on something, even think of that? Not only did she think of the stellar trick, but do it in front of a doctor?

    You sure there wasn't a hidden camera somewhere filming for the next "Jackass" movie?

    LD50 Rat

  14. What repulsive behaviour!

  15. She doesn't need a neurologist, she needs an agent apparently.

    The most disgusting part of this was the fact she kept the q-tip...ugh, it takes all kinds.

  16. I guess she will be OK with the H1N1 nasal swab!

  17. If later on she needs an NG tube for whatever reason, maybe she can put it in herself.

  18. What makes people do these things??

    You really attract the winners...


So wadda you think?