Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Unforgettable Weddings

I have a lady with Trigeminal Neuralgia. This causes episodes of sudden, severe, facial pain, which can be quite disabling when they occur.

Her daughter's wedding was this past weekend, and the patient had been asked to stand up front as the couple wed. She's been anxious about it for months, terrified that if she has an attack of pain during the ceremony she'll start crying, and make a scene.

So to prevent pain she decided to a take a handful of Percocet just before the ceremony. About halfway through the wedding she suddenly began vomiting uncontrollably, then passed out on the alter.

I'm glad she didn't make a scene.


  1. Yeah, I'm not laughing.

  2. Alright, sorry. Not every post is a gem. I take them as they happen.

    I don't provide the stories, I just write 'em down.

    Hopefully today will bring some better ones.

  3. It may not be funny, but it's definitely a head shaking moment. Why in the world didn't she share her anxiety with her daughter & avoid the whole standing up scene in the first place? Why would she think it's okay to take a handful of percocet? Can't help but wonder how many equals a handful.

  4. Good question, DreamingTree. When I asked her how many were in a handful, she said she didn't know.

    She may know, and just be too embarrassed to say.

  5. Hiya, Grumpy. Longtime reader, first time poster.

    I don't think you crossed any lines by posting this, but have you offered this lady a nerve avulsion? My 86 y/o grandma had one in November for the same condition and she feels SO much better!

  6. Great, now I'm embarrassed that I laughed. I do feel sorry for her, but I wonder at thought processes sometimes. If you start crying during a wedding, you don't make a scene, you just appear overcome with emotion. (Makes one wonder how vocal she'd been in disliking the husband-to-be, doesn't it?)

  7. Ashley- Yes.

    Sabra- I laughed too- after she left.

    Yes, I feel bad for her. But one of the best parts of human nature is finding the humor in any situation.

    Situations like this remind us that life is a tragedy in the short-term, and a comedy in the long-term.

  8. That's going to be awesome on the wedding video. I'd have just told everyone it was from bad shrimp.
    People like this make me believe in natural selection.

  9. That IS funny. Self medicating geniuses are the best kind. Why a fist full of Perocet? Whatever happened to a shot of Stoli and 0.25 mg of Xanax for nerves?

    That vid should go on the FAIL web site.

    Percocet is just nasty.

    LD50 Rat

  10. I agree with Ihanaa. Theres a reason Xanax is called, "mothers little helper".

  11. Haha! Awww, poor thing.

  12. Does she realize that she can only get a thirty day supply every thirty days? Now she will be short...unless she sees another doctor?

  13. the vomiting probably saved her life.

  14. I feel bad for her to. It shows how a chronic illness invades every aspect of your life. How sad she could not have joy at her daughter's wedding.

  15. I love your blog and I'm worried you're going to get in trouble by offending a patient who sees their story here.

    Just worried, that's all.

    Am I a total ninny?

    Maybe that's why I'm a pharmacist and not a doctor.

  16. If anyone has reason to oppose this couple getting married . . .


  17. In the years to come, they will watch the wedding video and laugh and laugh and laugh....at least the in-laws will!

  18. Someone should let her know that the label on her percocet bottle are directions and not a suggestion, that seems very dangerous with all that APAP. Atleast she's alive, it sounds to me like the mix of stress and the percocets made her vomit, I know I vomit just from severe stress, good or bad. I wonder what her daughter thinks....hopefully her mom didnt ruin the wedding for her.

  19. Sadly, I have to admit that I have done things just like that. Thank God it never ended so badly for me. Poor woman. She is going to relive that humiliation again and again for the rest of her life.

  20. That is sad. Your lack of sympathy makes it sadder.

  21. For those who think it was insensitive to post this, chill out. If she hadn't turned out to be ok, then it wouldn't be so funny. The irony is what was hilarious to me, not the fact that she began vomiting everywhere. I feel bad for her; but had it been me I would have laughed about it after, calling myself a dumb@$$!!


So wadda you think?