Saturday, August 8, 2009

This Sums It Up

School starts Monday.

Staples used to run this commercial. I don't know if they still do.

They ran it before I even had kids. And now that I have 3 of them in various elementary school grades, the commercial just means SO MUCH MORE.


  1. So true... Every June I'm happy to have the little buggers home. By August, I'm soooooooo ready to ship them back. I would be a happy parent if we quit with the long summer break & split it up throughout the year instead.

  2. This is the most wonderful commercial EVER! Exactly how I feel! Countdown for us T-15!

  3. They still run it, I saw it on the other day and smiled!

  4. OMG, I do so remember this.
    It needs to be brought back. One of the best back to school commercials. Thanks, Dr Grumpy.

  5. oh yes, except for having to get son to water polo at 6am

  6. What in the world State do you live in that kids go back to school in the beginning of August?

  7. ~It's the most wonderful time of the year~
    Yes, they're still running it ( just mis-typed that as ruining, I'll have you know!)

  8. Best. Commercial. Ever.

  9. We start school Aug 13.. with no air conditioning on the buses.. in the deep south...........

    I'll probably drop some water weight

  10. Now that just seems unfair! Your kids go back on Monday, my three don't go back till 2nd week in September. Granted, they didn't break up until the middle of July, but still, the thought of them going back is bliss waiting to happen.

  11. Moppie - My niece lives in Mesa, Arizona and will go back to school on August 10th.

  12. I live in the deep south and we went back to school on august 3rd/

  13. I love this commercial - it's just hilarious! The look on the kids faces while the dad is "gloating" is just precious.

  14. I love our year-round school. We started back on July 7. :D

  15. I love this Commercial and So ready for my son to go back to school that I was dancing the other morning when I started back up on the school routine of getting up early.. and going to bed early I got the same look from Him..

  16. This is gonna sound really weird but I actually miss the whole "excited when she's off for summer and happy when she went back to school" routine.

    Enjoy it while it last. It goes to quick.

  17. Even though I moved to Australia 10 years ago, this commercial still runs through my head every time I do the back to school shopping.

  18. Some of us don't feel QUITE the same way. Us school employees, for example.

  19. Here, kids finish the end of June, (late may/early june for high school) and don't go back until the day after labour day (first monday of Sept - which is the 7th this year) Going back to school in August would seem so wrong to me.

  20. When that first came out I had way younger kids in school (1 in college now and one half way through high school) - I saw that on tv and positively ROLLED! Love it! I bought my son's new backpack the other day - it's begun! :)


So wadda you think?